Thursday, March 08, 2007

Linden: A Break in the Space-Time Continuem

The Hat (from the aformentioned road trip)

Shelly and Dave at Melissa's Misteak (from our Banff trip)

L to R: Me, Curty, beautiful Bailey at Melissa's Misteak

Heaven!!!! In Banff, there is a cute, tiny candy shop and it has a wall of lollipops.

The beautiful weather of our Banff trip. Despite the cold, it was undeniably beautiful.

So it has been a little while since my last entry. Not that long I suppose, but it feels like a long time.
Nothing has happened since my last entry. Well nothing much anyway.

Laura and I went on one our regular road trips up to Three Bumps. Those are always fun. We found a hat on the highway so I made he back up so I could get it. Kind of a dumb truker hat, and I have no idea where it is now, but it was a souvenir. On the way home we took random roads (some of which I don't actually think were full flegded dirt roads) and it took us about a hour and a half to get back home from a place that is 25mins. away. Good times.
Last Friday we kidnapped Laura's little sister from school and went shopping in the big city. That was fun. Bailey came too. We have a lot of girlie days. I bought a really cute brown bikini, and whilst amoungst Deerfoot rush hour, I was surveying the bottoms. Sitting shotgun, I held them up; the young, kind of hot guy in the giant pick-up seemed to find this interesting as a repeatedly did double takes. Funny, and kind of embarassing for some reason.

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