Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I am absolutely frustrated with being frustrated. Today, and yesterday for that matter, has simply been 'one of those days.'
Lat night, I think I managed to get four hours of sleep. I was at the duplex until near midnight, helping my landlords and ladies rip out our basement carpet (my fingers look like I tried to play with a psycho cat named "Fritz" because of the tack strips), moving furniture across the street to the grandparent's house (where we have been staying and will be for a number of days yet), removing baseboards, doors, and cutting an inch off of the bottom of the drywall so we could spray fungicide all up in there. I, being that I was not working until early this afternoon, stayed behind to help until the job was done. This came at around 11:15pm last night. I was up again by 6:20am this morning and on the go.
At two, when I went to work at the coffee shop, I found that my boss is disappointed in me and that my shift would be done by four, due to an emergancy power failiure that shut down the whole town for an hour and a half. So, I left at four and came home to find one more of our fishies (Laura's unnamed white and orange moora) dead because the filter had stopped and the water too warm because our house is very hot. Now, I'm sitting on my couch, looking at a TV that isn't working and wanting to work on entering some data for the coffee shop but completely unable to find what I need to start. By the way, my house is completely uninhabitable.
So now, simpy because of being frustrated for so long, I am frustrated with being frustrated and I think I might either cry or simply break into one of my "happy/sad" fits of shear laughter and sorrow.
I feel like donkey from Shrek when he says: "I need a hug!"

1 comment:

Spoke said...

Get away from here! Life isn't meant to be a fairy tale, but you're worth far more than this. Better days are ahead, find them. Get outta Linden!