Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Demo Crew Here I Come!!

Four years ago I had my very first taste of reality through a program called Demo Crew. Basically, this program takes a youth group into the inner city of Calgary and strips them of any boundries and comfort-zones they may have had before. In Demo Crew, there is no room for stereotypes, there is no room for judgement, there is no choice but to grow. Simple: you can not go through that program and not have had a glimpse of how awesome, and imperative God is.
My first year, on my first day, I hated it. Well sort of. I knew I would rather have been at home than sleeping on a col churches hardwood floor. My leaders had challenged us to leave everything at home: expectations, cd players and mp3s, emotional baggage, showering--everything! I it was so hard. But I returned home a different person, and enlightened person, and a person with a heart to heal and help the broken, and a heart that accepts diversity as a beautiful thing. I returned the following year, again, not expecting a thing. And guess what? My enlightenment was even more intense. Then I went to Mexico the following summer, and last year I worked. Now this year, I have the privilage of returning to Demo as a youth leader, and the chance to see other lives changed and naiivety disappear. It's only four days of intense ministry, but holy man, can it ever change the course of your life!
I'm thrilled that God has bropught this back into my life right before I move away. The timing is just perfect, well, for the most part. I mean, I have to take time off of work to do this thing, which sounds like it will result in less road tripping and vacationing, but God has laid this so heavily on my heart that I couldn't possibly say no. I mean, if there were any better way for me to spend four days of my week, I couldn't possibly think of it. I love volunteering! It's been so long since I was last in inner city Calgary for that purpose.
Any how, this isn't happening until the end of July, but if you think of it, prayer would be awesome; prayer is essential for the kids going and the leaders leading!


Anonymous said...

i'm so excited for you to get back to your Demo Crew roots. rock 'em and sock 'em. too bad we won't be there together. i'm going to link your blog entry for the kids coming with me in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

oh, and which group are you going with to demo crew? is someone taking a group from linden?

Anonymous said...

demo crew rawked.
