Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally Rested Up

This past weekend, a couple of my pals and I booked 'er out to Saskatoon for a show at their wicked Jazz Festival. It was so much fun, and a painfully quick trip. Seriously, we spent a whole 23 hours in Saskatoon and 12 hours or so driving.
We booked a hotel room for the night, which almost ended up being a waste in that I only got about and hour, tops, of sleep, three others got 3 os so, and one about 8. We were mostly all up and at 'em around 6am. We ended up walking around the city the whole next day too, so our poor drivers had some troubles keeping their eyes open on the trip home (which started around 11:30pm and ended back home around 6am Sunday morning). But, the best part was that for some reason our trip was seriously blessed.
Thursday night my glasses broke, my titanium frames, and I was told the following day that the sudden and unfounded break was irrepairable. It was supposed to cost me anywhere from $150-over $200 to get new frames for the glasses I bought back in Feburary. I can't afford that! Anyway, one of the guys who went to the festival with us just so happened to have an uncle in Saskatoon and who just so happened to be one of the four people in western Canada to have a laser welding machine. We took the glasses into the uncle on Saturday and he not only fixed my frames (and laser welding was the only way to fix titanium), but he did it free of charge. Talk about a blessing! Goodness! And coincidence? I think not! Not only that, but we had no car troubles, gas was cheaper than anticipated, our hotel room was thankfully held for us (we were 9 hours late for check-in), we ended up having someone give us a free parking pass for the whole next day, and we picked up the tickets with no problem (there were MANY expected). Actually, we ended up having the whole Saturday afternoon to ourselves!
We were first at the gate for the concert of the amazing Herbie Hancock when we met a man named Terri. This man, and his sweet wife, bought us the most collosal pizza i have ever eaten (or seen!), just because they met us. We spent our entire evening with them. They sent us off that evening with the pizza, and a fatefult timing. My one friend who got us all to the event is the a huge fan of Herbie and his Quartet, and because of Terri and his wife, he was able to meet him. Seriously, after the pizza and on our way out of the hotel, Herbie was walking into the lobby as we were about to walk out. My friend got to meet him and his autograph and was pretty much in a silent state of shock for the rest of the night/morning. Even now he is floored at the fact that he met Herbie.
Anyway, it was awesome, truly. I put some pictures of it on my facebook. I took some really great pics of the beautiful town of Saskatoon (I should have anyway, being that I was out taking most of them at 4:30am and the light then is stunning!).

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