Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stop the Discrimination!!!

I am sick of of hearing people complain about Americans. Seriously, people, stop! I hate to breakthe news, but believe it or not, there is no difference between the Americans and us Canadians. We are both people!
I was blessed to be raised in a home that allowed me to grow up and develop my own opinions on everything (I apologize if what I say here offends anyone, but afterall, these are just opinions of someone who is human). And, as part of my development, I have come to see all people as equal, regardless of their colour, ethnicity, beliefs, laws, etc. People are all the same. And I certainly don't feel that it is right to judge a man because of something he was taught; something created by man in the first place. Different people have diferent laws, and modern-day laws are man-made, and we all know that man is incapable of governing himself. We're all idiots, but God created us that way, and to Him that's perfect. I figure, if God can look down on this tangled mess we've created and still find it in His amazing heart to love us all equally, how could I think that my judgements should supercede His? But then, I realize, I am coming at this topic as a Christian and being that I have always believed in God, I can not understand and atheistic or apathetic veiw on this same topic.
However, back to my original rant. People need to stop thinking of the Americans as less than us Canadians. I mean, their laws and leadership is leaving somthing to be desired, but look at ours; Canada is tearing itself apart from sea to sea, and no one can agree with anybody on anything. So guess what, both countries are populated by people (who are even the same ethnicity!!!) and both have governments that aren't perfect. Big suprise. So why do so many folks say "those dumb Americans?" We are the same!!!! We are all human beings with opinions, likes, dislikes, goals, dreams, talents; stop building up walls folks!
I think I'm done. Hopefully my point came across clearly enough.

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