Wednesday, March 28, 2007

7:11 Wake Up Call

Well folks, it is Wednesday morning and although our house still has walls that are a little wet, there is carpet back in our basement. We're not moved back in at this point, and will remain as such unitl the baseboards go back on, but I'm thinking of sleeping in my room at home tonight. It is just so much easier to get to work if I do it that way. Mmmmm...home.
It just feels so weird to be living independantly one day and not the next. Man, is that weird. I didn't want to move back home for that reason, but here I am, living dependantly off of my roomies and their family. Not a bad thing, just really weird.
In other news: I'm going to Toronto!!! Well, that is kind old news now I suppose, and it isn't for a while yet either. I'm flying down mid-May for a week of catch-up with my families and just planning on taking some time off; I'm not financially set for school or anything so taking the time off does worry me a little bit, but I know that I need a break again and that I would regret not doing this. Especially if all the weeks leading up to my departure are like this one has been: working 7-9 hours every day at the coffee shop alone! Ane then off to the Cousins, and then cleaning...and floods....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just Like a Child

So this whole 'growing up' thing is so far a giant pain in the derierre. It seems everything gets a whole gosh darn more complicated in the first year out of high school! But I knew that already.
So I am officially now an adult! I've got my income taxes all done (with the help of my wonderful accountant!), post-secondary plans figured out (though the acceptance letters keep pouring in), and a place of my own (which I have to share, WHEN we actually live there!).
Two in and we are still homeless. Can you believe it? Our landlords have been in an out every day and taken on the labour of fixing everything themselves, but seriously, that is just how bad the flood was. However, they did put the carpets back in today! The walls are still drying out though; w should be able to move back in by mid to late week. I can't believe it. We should have a re-house warming party!
I got a package in the mail this week that told me that UBC had accepted me; I found this quite contradictory to their previous rejection letter. It seems as though UBC wants me to attend their Kelowna rather than in Vancouver (where I wanted to go). Their sudden and unanticipated acceptance, however, does not alter my plans for the fall: I'm going to UCFV. This is all just getting so confusing though!
Today was the first semi-rain storm of the year, and it was beautiful. Freezing cold and half snow mind you, but gorgeous none the less. I was sitting in the empty coffee shop watching the little kiddies run around in the rain when I suddenly realized how much I missed being a kid. Not that life isn't fun now, but when I was younger, I seemed to see life differently. I've noticed that I have started veiwing situations, realtionships, random moments...everything, so selectivly. You know, like selective hearing, only instead of hearing, it is my sight which is affected. Stupid I know, but hey, I am a human being.
Most of it stems from a series of hard 'life-lesson' moments last summer, after which I decided (from some ridiculous reason) that life really wasn't as good as my 'naive' mind thought it was. Well, now, almost a year later, I am sitting here thinking, "What if it was my 'naive' mind that had it right?" Life really is, or is at least meant to be as breath-taking as I had thought it before. The days when my mind seemed a lot clearer (though not always happy) were the days before I decided to filter what I saw, heared, felt, said, or did. I guess it might just be part of that desire to control, or feel like I have the possibility of controlling what happens to me in life and where I ultimatly end up. I don't do I?
I think I had a revelation today. I am so... adult!

Monday, March 19, 2007

I Am Noah

Oh what a weekend. I swear, God has the sickest sense of humor.
It is now Monday afternoon, and guess what: my roommates and I are STILL homeless. It's pretty dumb, but I guess our house was built rather poorly and not really up to standards. But anyway, there is a funny story about our weekend.
My roommates and I were staying at their grandparent's house across the street from our house. But, sometime on Saturday (after I had a shower, go figure) Henry and Martha's hot water tank called it quits. No joke. I swear, I am bad luck for water tanks! So anyway, Sunday afternoon, Laura, Curt and I moved out to their parents house in the country. Since we aren't expecting to be back in our house anytime soon, we packed up the matresses and literally, moved in. However, Laura's Dad (though joking, of course) has fobidden me to take a shower in their house. From my point of veiw, he has good reason. I'm sleeping in the basement though, so if the place floods or tanks explode, I'll be the one to notice and have to deal with it.
Other than that, I've been fighting a rather dumb head cold again, and as a result was twice late for work at the restaurant on two consecutive days; I didn't even know I was working! I was not happy.
Sleep has still been eluding me a wee bit, but I did manage to get a refreshing hour and a half in before work this afternoon. Someone must really be praying for me too; I've had the energy to get through the days and have been feeling a lot less unhappy, which has been simply wonderful. It truly is amazing how much we, as humans, can let the runnings of life take control of us.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I am absolutely frustrated with being frustrated. Today, and yesterday for that matter, has simply been 'one of those days.'
Lat night, I think I managed to get four hours of sleep. I was at the duplex until near midnight, helping my landlords and ladies rip out our basement carpet (my fingers look like I tried to play with a psycho cat named "Fritz" because of the tack strips), moving furniture across the street to the grandparent's house (where we have been staying and will be for a number of days yet), removing baseboards, doors, and cutting an inch off of the bottom of the drywall so we could spray fungicide all up in there. I, being that I was not working until early this afternoon, stayed behind to help until the job was done. This came at around 11:15pm last night. I was up again by 6:20am this morning and on the go.
At two, when I went to work at the coffee shop, I found that my boss is disappointed in me and that my shift would be done by four, due to an emergancy power failiure that shut down the whole town for an hour and a half. So, I left at four and came home to find one more of our fishies (Laura's unnamed white and orange moora) dead because the filter had stopped and the water too warm because our house is very hot. Now, I'm sitting on my couch, looking at a TV that isn't working and wanting to work on entering some data for the coffee shop but completely unable to find what I need to start. By the way, my house is completely uninhabitable.
So now, simpy because of being frustrated for so long, I am frustrated with being frustrated and I think I might either cry or simply break into one of my "happy/sad" fits of shear laughter and sorrow.
I feel like donkey from Shrek when he says: "I need a hug!"

Monday, March 12, 2007

Two by Two

Our basement flooded this past weekend. So much fun. Actually not so much. I don't think I have slept an entire night since Friday.
On Saturday I think there was a total of 15 people cycling through our house all night (right up until 1am, with the time change) and gallons of water taken out of our basement carpet. Now, all of the beds and miscellany are upstairs in our duplex, the fans have been going for days, the dehumidifier pumping away...the heat cranked up and the water turned off. The walls are wet 2 feet up and the capets feel like they should really be changed. My roommates and I found alternate lodging for the last couple of nights (Curt and Laura at their Grandparents, I was with the wonderful Thiessens and their absolutly gorgeous new shower!) and tonight might be the same story. My room, which is dryest, has boxes and a couch piled up on my bed, so even I can't stay here. For the bathroom we are foced to wander across the street to my roomie's grandparent's house.
So that was my weekend. My landlords rock, as they have been here every day dyring the place with towels and fans and helping us out.
I think our neighbour in the other half of the duplex had it harder off though. Fortunately, the Holdemens have been really helping thier own and have been taking care of her, and even hlping us by giving us blocks to set our furniture up on.
Other than that, the weekend was all right. On Friday night, four of us moved Curt and Laura's cute little Great Aunt Helen into the lodge here in town. That was fun. I felt usuful. She is the sweetest, most agile 80 or-so lady I have ever met. And happiest. No doubt the happiest. And she is about 4 feet tall, so she is adorable and I felt tall standing next to her.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Linden: A Break in the Space-Time Continuem

The Hat (from the aformentioned road trip)

Shelly and Dave at Melissa's Misteak (from our Banff trip)

L to R: Me, Curty, beautiful Bailey at Melissa's Misteak

Heaven!!!! In Banff, there is a cute, tiny candy shop and it has a wall of lollipops.

The beautiful weather of our Banff trip. Despite the cold, it was undeniably beautiful.

So it has been a little while since my last entry. Not that long I suppose, but it feels like a long time.
Nothing has happened since my last entry. Well nothing much anyway.

Laura and I went on one our regular road trips up to Three Bumps. Those are always fun. We found a hat on the highway so I made he back up so I could get it. Kind of a dumb truker hat, and I have no idea where it is now, but it was a souvenir. On the way home we took random roads (some of which I don't actually think were full flegded dirt roads) and it took us about a hour and a half to get back home from a place that is 25mins. away. Good times.
Last Friday we kidnapped Laura's little sister from school and went shopping in the big city. That was fun. Bailey came too. We have a lot of girlie days. I bought a really cute brown bikini, and whilst amoungst Deerfoot rush hour, I was surveying the bottoms. Sitting shotgun, I held them up; the young, kind of hot guy in the giant pick-up seemed to find this interesting as a repeatedly did double takes. Funny, and kind of embarassing for some reason.