Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Week of Changes

So, yet another week has gone by and already February is here. I can't believe it! January went so fast, even though nothing really horribly major happened. Or so it feels like any way.
I am officially done cleaning the Cousins, and honestly, I do miss it. I only cleaned there for five months, and the first four were so much fun. The last one wasn't so much, but that wasn't what made me choose to drop it.
On Friday I actually start working for the Cousins washing dishes. I think I'll be working my way up to cook from there, which is far easier to do than start out as a cook. Other than that, I am still cleaning Jo-Al's and might possibly be starting to work the floor there. Yes, I know, I'm busy. I for sure have three jobs, and a possible fourth. Fortunatly, however, eaven working all of these jobs I still have plenty of time to kick back and relax. And, as a bonus, all of my jobs are so different and I get to work with some of the most interesting people.
Still no definate words of acceptance from either of the schools I really want to go to, but this week I have found myself to be mildly more patient. I really want to go to UBC though, and I mean REALLY!!
Any-who, I best be high-tailing it outta here. Time to go up to Three Hills and finish painting the walls at the Lube Go. Seriously, it looks pretty cool. I'm just helping Laura; she painted the majority of it. You should see it when we finish though. It's all black and white and blue and such.

1 comment:

Spoke said...

Cool, I'll have to see the paint!