Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Moment, Please

So today, my life changed and rounded a corner I never really saw coming. Ironic as it all was, I saw none of it coming. Intrigued yet?
I'm going to college this fall, and it is a certainty now. However, I will be heading 'er on up to Edmonton, and not to the East or even the West coast. My hear kinda really broke when I found out I wasn't smart enough for the west or east, but know that I am to go to school this fall. So, as of, oh, say, 15 mins. ago I am an official student of Grant MacEwan Bachelor or Arts/Education program. I freaked out. Do you want to know how it is ironic? I'll tell you:
This morning, I finally signed that piece of paper I have been hanging on to for some time. The paper was to let MacEwan know whether I wanted to pull my registration from their school or not. I had said no, praying that I would be accpeted to UBC. I didn't seal the envelope. Laura and I went to the post office. She got the mail whilst I went to buy a stamp and send off my slip of no to GM. She got my reply from UBC. It's obvious what the answer was. I didn't actually read the rejection, but read through the envelope; I was too terrified to read the actual letter. I ran back inside the PO and got my letter back. After my return home, I franctically called MacEwan and paid $200 on my credit card (which I think I have never and will never be more grateful for having!) and after a frantic half hour on the phone with a sweetheart of a British woman, I am officially going to Grant MacEwan in the fall.
I am excited, believe it or not. I mean, at any point I can transfer. And besides, I'll still be meeting new people and hanging out with Dave and coming back frequently. Dad and Tommo will be happy.
So, on top of that, I have been suffocating with moments. I need a break. I'm getting way too emotional and getting easily spooked. I bought new glasses on Sunday, am getting my own, brand new lappy top this afternoon, recieved the book of poetry I am published in (first poem in the entire book baby!) and gotten to know a buttload of my Mom's family history. The latter in that sentence is possibly the most exciting of all though.
I've recently gotten in touch with my 2nd cousin and some relation, and been absolutely blessed by his communication. I'm strating to feel a little less alienated; I am actually related to people? What is this? Turns out, and this is all I really cared to devulge at this junture, I am nearly entirely Scottish. And only a 4th generation Canadian on Mom's side. Cool huh? I only wish I had that freaking sweet accent that all those Scot's have.
Anyway, my heart need's a break from this at the moment. Please be praying for me. I need a lot of it. Working an insane amount and freaking out about having to be mature and all is making my worry something fierce about finances and wondering whether I'm making my own decisions or God's decisions. Help!
And yes, I am still planning on taking Spanish courses in Panama, but think it would be more beneficial if I go to college first. You know, perhaps I'll know more about where God really, uber wants me by the time al lthis is done.
Seriously, prayers? I admitt, sometimes I am just not strong enough to pray for myself.


pastor.kev said...

Hey Beck,
If you ever need a place to just space, we're always open for you.


Paula said...

Edmonton is a very cool city, with LOTS of stuff to do. I think you'll love it up there!! Way to go, Beck!

Anonymous said...

"...the Spirit helps us in our weekness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."

Don't worry... He's got it covered.
