Monday, February 26, 2007

Iced Out

I am not a believer in karma or any of that, and not really a believer in bad luck either. I don't usually have 'bad luck' with anything, but there is one recurring issue that someone might resolve as 'bad luck.'
Over the course of the past two years, I have been without hot water in my house three times. The first time as a result of my family struggling to make ends meet and it having to be cut off, the second time, shortly after my folks got the hot water back, our tank violently exploded in the middle of the night (this was humerous. I woke in the middle of the night to hear what sounded like a rushing waterfall in the furnace room next to my bedroom. After checking it out and seeing water shooting everywhere like 20 pressure water hoses, my first words were: DAAAAAAAD!). Then, yesterday, in my own house, about a year later, the hot water tank blew only this time significatly less violently. But none the less, the flipping hot water tank ran out of hot water while I was in the shower.
It seems that I am fully versed on how to deal with living on cold water; I hate it, especially when I want a hot bath, but I know how to get by. Besides, it is cheaper and betters for your darks if you wash you clothes in cold water!
I take my experiences as learning experiences. After all, I am planning on living in 2nd and 3rd world countries for a good deal of my future. Who is to say I will always have hot water available?

1 comment:

Spoke said...

I'm usually IN hot water....