Monday, February 19, 2007

Gaming Day

First of all, I want to thank everyone for being so encouraging. Last week was somewhat stressful, and it was so refreshing to know that there are people out there who really just want to see me succeed. Thanks y'all. Pretty schveet.
Well ,we finally got out to Banff this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, despite the fact that we really didn't do very much. I think we were there for a total of four or mybe five hours. For a two-three hour drive, our stay seemed pretty short. But fun, none-the-less.
We took my friend Shelly with us. Now, some people can only take so much of her, but I love her to death and am going to really miss her when I'm gone next fall. Allbeit, she is a rather questionable driver. Anyway, the four girls who went seperated from the guys and went into Calgary on the way home and did some shopping. So much fun! The highlight was...we finally got the fish for our tank! It only took about 6 months. I have two of my own: a big black moora with gold specks on his scales and a gold belly (his name is Mr. T.) and a white oranda with an orange head (Sherlock). They are so funny looking. Mr. T. likes to chase the other fish around. Laura and Bailey each got three; Bailey's are flipping hilarious. As Papa C put it "They're going to explode." Serisouly. They are tiny and so incredibly fat that the sheer dynamics of them being able to swim eludes me. They are the size of a big marble, just as round, and they have the most useless little fins. I love them! So cute.
So I am sitting now at the Dick's shop getting my laptop set for a day of gaming. "Gaming," if you are unfamiliar with the term, is a bunch of people gathering at one location to play a LAN game that usually involves shooting each other's brains out. It is somewhat more wholesome than it sounds. Somewhat.
I recently have become utterly addicted to Keane and Alexi Murdoch. If y'all are looking for some good, kinda easy-rockin' music, I strongly recommend those guys.

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