Saturday, January 27, 2007

One Order of Straight Caffine by IV, Please

My body hates me right now, but it was worth ever minute of it! Needless to say, my 24 hour holiday was more than worth it.
We went to the Delta Inn at Kananaskis Lodge, which is expensive but incredibly beautiful. The room I shared with Bailey was huge, it has an indoor/outdoor hot tub, which we used of course, a games room, fitness lounge, drink lounge, yummy restaurant...everything to make our one-night stay blissfull. The view from our room was spectacular too, even though it over looked the entrance. We were insanely well fed, some well slept, and all relaxed. So much fun!
Then we went to Nakiska. In retrospect, I think the hot tub would have been better following the snowboarding, but hey, what can you do? Anyway, of course the snowboarding was amazing. I mean, before I left, I left a bunch of little papers with "I'm going snowboarding!!!!!!!!!" all over my house. My poor roommates. Because of my "skill" level, I'm finding myself rather sore this morning. Not so much from falling though (I only fell twice, really hard, because I was flying down on my last run and psyched myself out!) but from getting up and down all the time. I actually was wanted for instruction (one of the guys who went with us wanted to learn the ways of the snowboard, and for some reason, the people I was with thought I could teach him something), and, before giving up, Cory was able to get up and go down a hill. Unfortunatly, he did many loop-di-loops and figure eights in the process. He didn't get hurt though! But, as it was for me, getting up is the hardest part. My arms can even make it to 90 degrees today, my left leg is very much so unhappy, my right hip kept me awake last night, and my tushie is hurting again because of an injury I took last year. Seriously, the one fall I had, I smoked me knee on the lovely ice that Nakiska has on their slopes, and whacked my tush, all in one attempt to keep my self from going into the trees. Awesome. But this year, I went all the way to the top of the moutain and came down; the easy way mind you, but the trail is narrower and steeper than the other ones I've been on.
So yeah, last night, sleep just would not come. At about 11pm I gave up, got in the shower, and by 12:30 or 1 I was on my way to Three Hills with Dave and Curt, who were also still up. We went on a "Chicken Run" to the Macs, but only got junk food. The clerk there was so nice. He was from Pakistan, spoke English, and was so tired. He told me that he was taught to drink warm milk to stay awake over in Pakistan. Poor guy. I told him that calcium actually helps aid the sleeping process. When we left, he was drinking orange juice. We got home sometime close to 2:30am, and I found myself at the coffe shop at 7:20am.
Today, I work a nine hour shift, then will likely go home and pass out. Tomorrow morning, the usual crew and I are heading out to Banff for the day. Oh! I almost forgot. Vancouver is just now finally getting around to reviewing my application. I only sent them my application two or three months ago, and my transcripts 7 weeks ago. Oh well, I can't be bothered; I'm just so excited!

1 comment:

Spoke said...

This is why I sit around eating pies.