Friday, January 19, 2007

Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

So, I have come to learn that it is entirely possible to be drunk even after consuming not one ounce of alcohol. This has been happening frequently recently, just ask Laura, and I'm entirely feeling the effects of something this morning. Not to mention, I have had a killer headache almost everyday this week.
Tomorrow is my last day as "boss" at the coffee shop, and you know what? Throughout everything, I've had a bunch of fun. But don't get me wrong: I am looking forward to sleeping in on Monday morning!
This whole week, the 11 hour days have been split between me and Laura; I've worked the 6-7 and a half hour shifts all week and I am tired. It's not a long time to be working here, but with multiplying cleaning jobs on top of that, some days have been as long as 13-14 hours. My feet are rather upset with me, and I need John to pop a few vertarbrae back in when he gets back.
See, I'm not sure if I've said this before, but my dear Zaira got her first bad experience of Canadian winters by slipping on the ice and rather seriously spraining her ankle. She has been out for a week now. Thank goodness Laura and I have each other, but we are wearing ourselves pretty thin making up for all the work that still needs to be done. In fact, we're taking off to Banff on Sunday just for a nice breather; a time to spend with our neglected friends and simply NOT WORK. I know this pretty makes me sound like a wuss, but weekends essentially don't exist for Laura or myself. We both work 7 days a week somewhere or other, and only because of recent developments are we both able to take a whole day off (Sunday), once a week. I must admitt, it is pretty dang fabulous.
I start working at Cousins next week. I'm actually going to be cooking their food, rather than washing their dishes. I'm very excited. I love the ladies there. So, unitl the end of the month, I am going to have four jobs. Four! I'm crazy. Starting next month however, I am having to drop either Jo-Al's or cleaning the Cousins, and it is up to me to decided. You'd think it would be easy! But heck, there are just as many pros for one job as the other, and the same is true with the cons. As I see it at this moment though, Cousins is going to be dropped. It's a really tough decision though; I seriously love both.
Yesterday I had a neew experience. A guy gave me his phone number. It was so...bizarre? I didn't ask for it, knowingly anyhow, nor did I particularly want it. So strange. Flattering, but strange. And this guy, though really nice, and polite and a genuine good guy, has to be close to ten years older than me. I think he doesn't know how old I am though, which might have persuaded him against being interested in me. Anyway, after he left, I was just so dumbfounded; I felt like a deer in headlights, so I ended up on the phone with my dear Jess, who offered me some good advice on how to turn him down. I have turned down guys in the past (guy, really) ,and he was my friend. Keyword: was. Since I turned him down, (and I feel like it was done poorly on my behalf), we haven't really talked and he pretty much avoided me for the remainder of Grade 12. I never see him now, and he still lives up the hill from my folks. Anyway, it was just the most extreme case of a guy showing serious interest in me that I have experienced at the shop, and it was just kind of weird.
Anyway, got to go. I'll write more later.

1 comment:

Spoke said...

I get head-boomers from barametric pressure change. Chinooks. Hot dogs can cause migrains can chocolate or caffeine.