Monday, January 01, 2007

Feliz Navidad y Prosperos Ano Felizidad!

Happy New Year and a very belated Merry Christmas to you all! The past week has been both very busy and extremely lazy. I have officially celebrated my first Christmas away from home! How I feel all growed up.
I actually celebrated Christmas about five times this year. I ate an unbelievable amount of food, and suprisingly only gained two pounds, which I have already lost. Pretty great, I know. I must have been starving or something.
Santa was good to me, so to speak. But you know, I'm just not really into Christmas presents or anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I love recieving gifts, but I just don't see why it is required that we all give gifts on the same day, once a year. I like to suprise people with presents when I can; the smiles are way bigger that way. Anyway, I was able to spoil my family for one, and I loved it. Just ask anyone who had to spend Christmas Eve with me. I was astonished: I actually made my mom happy. That totally never happens.
I celebrated with my roomies first, then my folks, the Thiessens, the Penners, and the Dicks over the course of four days. The days went by freakishly fast, and then they were suddenly done. I'm sad; I had a blast!
By the time the 28th came around, I was exhausted and wanted only to loaf around my house. So, Laura and I decided to have a "girlie" day. This means sitting around, dressed to the nines and watching chick flicks. It was awesome. We quite litterally accomplished nothing all day.
By the time Friday came around I thought I should probably do something constructive, so I worked four four or five hours cleaning, then went to Three Hills with Laura and spent the night watching scary movies. I think it is safe to say that going back to work early tomorrow morning is going to be quite jarring to my current laziness routine. Oh well.
For New Year's we had a couple of people we hold dear over and played lots of Dutch Blitz and XBox. Awesome! I love John and Julie! Julie and I were a team and totally beat everyone at Burnout. Take that Curt and Dave and John! Julie and I don't even play video games usually! Bah! I'm so happy.
I didn't make any resolutions this year, not that I ever really have set any in the past either. I'm just excited to see what this year brings! 2006 was insanely eventful and filled with tribulations and moments that I know I'll be thinking about a hundred years from now, in good ways. God really blessed me (I finally said it! It took me 6 months, but I'm getting there. Wherever "there" is). I'm just twitching to see where I'll be a year from now. Everything is chaning drastically; everything is going to be completely different. It's like a really good roller coaster or something. It scares the poopies out of me, but I just have to keep going on it because it is so fun/scary. I'm smiling right now, just so you can imagine me saying that.

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