Thursday, September 06, 2007


Though not technically a whole week, I am done school until Monday--my first week of my first semester in university has come and gone. I've only had three days of class, but am already able to have a feel for how this semester is going to go.
Latin American Studies is likely to be the best class of the semester. The teacher is hilarious, the work load not too bad (though involving intensive reading and a massive term paper), and the subject is fascinating to me. Spanish is probably going to be next best; it involves lots of interaction between peers. However, it also requires at least 4 hours of computer work per week (2 of which I am to do in the language lab at the school somewhere), in addition to reading the text, and doing the workbook pages which relate to the text we're to read.
Lastly comes Linguistics. The course, so far, seems like it will prove to be quite challenging. The teacher is incredibly quiet, and though I sat at the front of the class, I still had a great deal of trouble following her. the professor also has a tendency to use highly grammatical language which is somewhat foreign to me. If it weren't for the fact that I know the course would be worth it, and 2nd year will be better, I might consider dropping it. For all you who don't know what Linguistics is, it is learning the descriptive science of language. So far, we're simply learning an incredible amount of grammar (something that was greatly omitted in my previous schooling...or so it seems) and soon we'll be learning basic syntax creation. It makes me sound smart, but as of yet, I have no idea what anything means. After all, I have only had a couple of classes of Linguistics.
Homesickness has so far mostly evaded me. That's not t say I don't deeply miss a great number of people, and don't wish my confidantes by my side at every minuet. I have not yet had a cup of coffee equal to that from Global Grounds. I miss my customers, and I miss my best friend's dog almost more than anyone else.
But this new place has been treating me well. My new landlords are unbelievably nice, my new house far more than I could have hoped for, and my new school better than any other I have seen. These factors have defiantly helped make the transition easier, and I am hoping to find a job soon and start feeling like I am part of a community again.
All in all, the adjustment to my new life has been going well. I haven't made any friends as of yet, but am getting to know more and more people everyday. Now, all I have to do is find people to go snowboarding with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your courses sound intersting.....something I would enjoy studying. I was interested in your comment re the lack of grammar teaching in your previous education pursuits. Being an "older person", I have observed that this seems to be the case...certainly wasn't when I was in school ...and I have wondered if it would be missed at some time. You sound busy and happy...your "digs" look palatial! Thanks for keeping us up to date on your activities. We miss you at Global!! JP