Thursday, September 20, 2007


It has been a hard week. Throughout the past week there have been so many times when my brain has literally not stopped processing data from one morning to the next. Sleep has not been easy because of such a problem, and as result, my I've been feeling a little ill. Not too bad, but defiantly not 100%. My stomach has been reeling and churning, body aching, and feeling sore-throaty in the morning. Yech. Needless to say, this has been the week the weather changed to ran from sun.
Linguistics has begun to make more sense, though the course is not looking more like Chem in its formations and equations. The lexical component of the course has begun to stress me out, but apparently that is perfectly normal and will only get worse before it gets better and as we go through the course.
Latin American Studies has proven, so far, to much more eye opening than I expected. It has shocked me how "Europeanized" our educational system really is. The blatant disregard for such a prominent part of the world is disgusting! And even worse is how we, as North Americans justify the abuse of Latin America. Allbeit, Canada is far better than the States and the damage has been done and was committed centuries ago. But, in the educational system I was brought up in, we did not learn about our other fellow Americans. We were taught about anti-communism controls put in place there, without also addressing the fact that communism would work far better in most Latin American countries than a democracy (did the USA not convert to a communist-like policy during the Great Depression to get back up on its economical feet? Why can the L.A. countries employ the same right of self-government? Oh yeah, the USA is, in most L.A. countries, allowed to step in and change up the govn't whenever they feel like it. Even now! Sick! Actually, Haiti was the 3rd established republic, right after the USA, and no one cares. Columbus landed at Hispaniola (now Haiti and D.R.) in 1482, long before anyone even knew about the USA, but the US use that same date to claim their discovery. Needless to say, LAS has really started to open my eyes to see just how filtered my education has been.
I've been making friends, however, and have weekend plans prospering and study times set. Yeah! I can't believe how much more positive it has made me.
This week, I have also manged to find a church that interests me. It seems like it might be a solid deal, and I am definitely going for a second time. It is MB, which is different than my previous "denomination," but I don't necessarily care so much about what they call themselves as much as I do care about what they're preaching, and this group of people seem to put God at the head of everything. It is a young church too, both age wise and people wise. They are still growing, and as of yet, seemingly don't have a building. Right now they are meeting in a theater in one of the cinemas in town. Sweet. Check its site out:
I also have several job prospects. The most promising looks to be Starbucks, but a waitressing job might be in the works too. I have a third interview next Wednesday afternoon; praying, and praying, and praying that all goes well with that!
The guys factor is getting a little more rosy too. They seem to be more attractive now than they were 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, there seems to be this underlying pressure to be with a significant other. Almost every one of the girls in all of my classes is dating, not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that I suppose. But it does have that wonderful effect of making me feel nakedly single. I mean, there are a few guys out there with whom I wish our relationship were perhaps a bit different and maybe a couple super hot guys at school here, but in in University solely for the purpose of getting educated enough to move thousands of miles from here without destroying a culture. That is why I am here (and I have, admittedly, been finding it necessary to remind myself of that fact); I don't plan on walking away with a hubby after 4 years. Not that I'll turn a guy away if he seems like a good match, but I need a guy willing and able to have a life with me that works as much with my goals as mine do with his. Otherwise it is simply unfair to one or the other, and that would break my heart either way.
Anyway, that is my rant for making me feel better about being single at the moment.
I have a TESL Association meeting in 4 hours; it is a "club" for people interested in teaching English as a second language here or abroad. It basically provides an outlet for people to network with each other and hear some real life experiences and help each other get their goals in motion. While I am not planning on beginning my career for another 4 years, it might prove very useful. I think it might be worth my time to join the club. We shall see.
That is, I think, about all worth mentioning for now. I'll let you know when my life starts to get interesting again!

P.S. For my 2nd Cousin: I am going to take some pics of school tonight, fingers crossed, and hope post them here in the next day or so. They won't be too pretty though, as the sky is gray and miserable. But the trees are still mostly green!

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