Friday, September 07, 2007

My New House

For the sake of Dad, I thought I would take a couple more pictures of my new house and post them here. Have no fear, I have never lived so richly!

The crazy washing machines that I have absolutley no idea how to work.

The living room and main entrance upstairs. This is shared space, not mine.

Our shared family room adjacent to the kitchen.

The kitchen. I love it! They want me to simply rifle through the pantry and eat anything I want. Still not used to that!

My den; a space all my own. Downstairs on ground level (of a 3 story house). I haven't yet had the time to really make it my own. I did, however, tidy up the thousands of textbooks and other books. You'd think I wasn't a student! Oh, the books on the table are just for one class, and there are to more on the right ledge by the stereo that go with them. All except one, I suppose, which is a lovely contribution by my second cousin out east. But that is he smallest book on the top of the giant stack. I have 4 more giant texts on top of those!

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