Sunday, May 13, 2007

Two Days!!!

May: glorious May. What a month it has been to date. I mean, the past two weeks have been something else. I have been frantically trying to get everything in order for my trip down east, syaing good bye to a lot of friends, and some are coming back to me (and oh how I have missed them!!), planning course schedules for college, as well as racking up an impressive long distance cell phone bill between calls to BC and Ontario. Crazy!
I am quite pleased to say that life is going swimmingly at the moment. I've been doing a lot of self-reflection (as I have learned is important from time to time) and been making some positive changes in my life; all in all, I have firmly realized that right now, I am exactly where I want to and am supposed to be. I am thrilled about connecting with my family, my job, my friends...everything is the way it should be. Awesome.
Well, I guess I should getting going. The girls and I are going on an Ikea run this afternoon. Now, if that doesn't make us domestic, young women, I don't rightly know what does!

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