Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 1: Landing in Unfamiliar Territory

I'm in Toronto!!! And guess what, I'm dealing with my very first (ever) bout of homesickness. That's right, I miss home and I have only been gone for a couple hours! This is so strange for me!
Anyway, I'm enjoying the Toronto bit so far, despite missing my bed and friends. And my sweet new mirror. It is 11pm here, insanely humid, at least 20-some degrees, raining (thunderstorms actually), smelling lovely and everything is so green. The tulips here are like 3 feet tall! This place is just breath-taking. Everything is so green, Lake Ontario is right close, beautiful parks, houses, perfect jogging terrain...if it weren't for the fact the most of me is a West Coast girl, I would move here in an instant. I mean, I'm in the middle of Mississagua and I feel like I'm in a village somewhere, a small one. With really rich people.
My Aunty Barb and Uncle Mark picked me up from the airport this afternoon with no problem. In fact, I had no problems at the airport what-so-ever. The flight was long, but chekcing in, security, baggage--it all was taken care of within 25 minutes. A serious blessing. And landing and recognizing people I haven't seen in nearly a decade from across the room; I was trillled to see that I have some sort of magnetic pull towards my family members. They promptly brought me home, fed me yummy spaghetti, and took me out to a church ladies meeting which focused on how to minister to Muslims. I wonder why God brought me all the way to Ontario for me to hear that; to have it primarily be my first activity in this undiscovered land seems more than coincidential. In fact, on every vacation, my first activity at m destination is always something to do with a church. Coincidence???
Tomorrow morning requires some day travel though, so it is in my best interest that I retire. It has been a long, long, long day.

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