Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Moving to BC!!!!

So our trip out to Kamloops went really well, for the most part anyway. I closed the shop at 1pm, and we were on the road out of this town by 1:02pm.
We drove almost straight there on the Trans-Canada, stopping only in Golden and once on the side of the road where the Government is building one seriously huge bridge. It was cool. The supports are al that are there as of yet, but one of them is a couple hundred feet tall. I have pictures. If I ever figure out how to add pictures to this site, I will add some. After all, we took over 200 pictures this weekend!
Oh yeah, I just remembered. We also stopped in Sicamous at the "D Dutchman Dairy" and got some fabulous home-made ice cream. Yummers. We signed the guestbook there too.
By the time we actually got to Kamloops it was about 8:30 BC time, maybe a bit ealier. We were all checked into a hotel by 9:00 BC time. Checking in was a somewhat scary ordeal. None of us have credit cards, so we were kind of worried we wouldn't be able to get a room anywhere. Butwe did. The nice man at front desk just made us leave a large cash deposit on top of the cost of the room.
Although Laura, in all her wonderful glory pack us enough snacks to last the two days, we wanted some real food and thus, walked to the Timmy's across the road from the hotel. There, we were greeted by many young people. They were pretty cool. On the way to the Timmy's though, a car full of guys honked at us three girls, and Curt. I'm not sure they saw Curt, and am hoping that they weren't honking at him. It was funny.
Bedtime came around 10:30pm BC time, and it was pretty darn sweet. There was too much laighing happening to be able to fall asleep right away, too much creeping, and I suppose too much smuthering. Poor Curt had to sharea bed with his sis. Poor Shari-Bobbins had to share a bed with me!!
Morning came far too early, and only Shari and I got any sleep really. We checked out by 8:40am BC time and were out of Kamloops by 9am. Early! The trip home was so much fun.
We stopped in Sicamous again, only this time we wanted to go swimming in the Shuswap. Running toward the beach and stripping clothes of frantically, three of us dove in to findthe water only slightly warmer than expected. We then proceeded to frantically run back out, into our towels and then scurry into our dry clothes. for the other people at the beach, which was only a cute couple, our actions were very humerous.
Then we were off to Timmy's again, and then on the long road home. We stopped at the beautiful Crazy Creek suspension bridge and waterfall where Shari most unfortunatly lost her purse when we sign the guestbook. We also stopped by 3 Valley Gap, the giant Ceders Boardwalk, Roger's Pass, the Spiral Tunnels, and even once on the side of the road becase we ran into Flo, Maurice, and Zaira. That was funny. We knew they were there, but they didn't know we were there. Well, they did, because they saw our names in the guestbook at the "D" Dutchman Dairy. But we were all suprised to run into each other. We stopped again in Golden, numerous other random points on the road because the view was breathtaking, Cochrane, and then finallly, home. It took us, in total, 11 and a half hours to get home. That wasa long trip.
Once home, Laura and I went off to work. Laura's car broke and she had some late night misfortunes there, and I was waiting for Zaira to get home until after 11pm Alberta time.
But I have figured out one thing for sure. If I don't get into any Universities for next year, I am moving to BC no matter what. I love it there.
I can not wait until ournext road trip. As far as I know, it is coming up around the end of the month, and once again to BC. Only this time, we're taking off for five days or so. Too many places to go and people to see to do it all in a weekend again!


Spoke said...

If I could swing it, I'd move BACK to BC. I love mountains, lakes, rivers, trees and greenery! 6 years on, I'm tired of flat,treeless nothingism. Well, it ain't THAT bad here. I love many people. If you go further West, you'll eventually get to Hope BC., from there Wester, it begins to get REAL busy. But you should go see the lakes...Cultus, Chilliwak and Harrison to name a few. Don't forget to go way West then North to Whistler. From Linden to Vancouver without problems or construction issues...1100 kms...12-14 hours comfortably.
TAKE ME!!!!!

Jessica said...

Does that mean your next road trip brings you to me? Here's to hoping!!! I have lots of space on my floor in and around the pool table!

No Longer Here - see My Own Lamp Post said...

This is where I beg you "PLEASE DON'T GO!!" But I would never stand in your way of spreading out in the world, and besides, it would be horribly selfish of me to keep your beauty from spreading to the rest of the world. In the meatime, I have you for a while! And I can see that I have a lot of reading to catch up on. You're good at this blogging thing!