Thursday, October 12, 2006

Her First Snow

Though I thought life would settle down a wee bit after Thanksgiving, I'm quickly realizing that I was terribly wrong. Let's just say, I can't wait until my 6 day vacation at the end of the month; it will officially be the longest holiday I have ever taken, and most likely, a shear buttload of fun.

Anyway, yesterday was a good day. My cold is disappaiting, thank goodness, and I'm finally getting back to my old self and having some fun with life again. For the past eight or nine months, I've been gradually getting more and more unhappy, feeling pressured by worries and the whole "growing up" schpeel; worried about goodbyes, about being forgotten, about getting stuck. The past little while has been rather muchly extremely difficult, but now I see I am okay; I see thatI will actually be okay. There are so many people in my life who deserve unending thanks for helping me figure stuff out, cry a bunch, sit and ramble on about what I think is wrong, and justhuggin me and not asking questions when I was feeling blue. Y'all rock and I'll love you forever. Except Curty maybe; last time he hugged me my rib cage ended up caving in and a giant bruse developed in a somewhat unfavorable location (this from the guy who didn't know how to hug three months ago??!!).

As I've said before, one of my jobs is cleaning. I clean a restaurant with another girl six nights a week. We have a lot of fun with this job; so far, in the month that we have been cleaning it, we have had perhaps a week where nothing strange or unfortunate has happened (see "Becca! Why is it Raining in the Kitchen??" post). But anyway, though cleaning is not my forte and not exactly something I want to do for an extended period of my life, I'm having a lot of fun. Especially because of my cleaning mate, Zaira. She has been such a blessing to me and literally came out of no where. She didn't even plan on coming up to Canada, or think about it, or want to, until two or three days before she caught the plane. She was supposed to move to the city with her friend and go to college. I can't believe how drastically her life changed. She has definatly been a blessing to me, so I'm truly not complaining that she made that decision, but wow. That take a LOT of guts. I truly admire her; she has been such an inspiration and encouragement. She is even teaching me Spanish and I am teaching her English. It is actually working well. I've learned a lot more Spanish, primarily because Zaira often stops speaking English so I have to learn some Spanish. We have fun. Fewer and fewer things are being lost in translation.

But anyway, yesterday was an important day for Zaira. It was her first snow. Even though there wasn't much snow, it was her first. I wanted to share this with people, because I thought it was so cool, so abscure, that someone whouldn't even know what snow was if it fell on there face. There was white stuff on the ground, not much, but enough to astonish her. She was astonished by snow! I just take it for granted. Laura and I had to tell her that it was snow because she honestly had no idea what it was, though we have been joking about it since she got here in July. Poor sweetie though, she has an old winter jacket her Grandma gaveher; it goes down to her knees and is this great, horrible white monstrosity. She sobbed "Becca, estoy muy muy muy muy gorda (Becca, I am very very very very fat)." She thinks the coat is too fluffly and huge. She is so cute. I'm going to post a picture of her on here as soon as my upload starts working again.


Spoke said...

Por favor hágame una empanada.

Paula said...

When the temperature drops, she'll be happy to be muy gorda, muy muy happy.