Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Vacation Here I Come!!!!

So this week has been really slow and rather boring so far, thus the reason there haven't really been any entries recently. But hey, I finally added a display picture! I think I did it wrong though.
Today is may last day of work for a whole, hopefully blessed week. I am so tired. I always find it funny that my pay check either never changes or goes up frm pay period to pay period, even whenI take a whole week off. This is nice.
Um so yeah, fun things that have happened--anything that has happened. Hmmm. Huh. Hum. Well, I was cuddling with Shari and Curt last night as we watched the classic Shrek movies. Oh yeah, then Curt and I got involved in yet another violent throw down. Lost is on TV tonight, which means : Party at BECCA'S! Oh yeah, that was cool. Someone actually referred to the house I live in as "Becca's" and it was not one of my girlfriends. Nor was was it even one of my closer guy friends, but dear James, who just became my favorite person in the whole wide world. See, I live with Curty and Laura, and everything has alwats been Curt's, ie. Curt's house (his parent's house), Curt's car (actually Laura's now), Curt's shop (his dad's), and so on and so forth. But the house is officially mine to someone other than me! I'm happy. Sorry Laura, one daysomething will be yours, I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have fun!