Friday, October 20, 2006


Holy flipping tush-monkeys! I just got the strangest thing in the mail, and I thought I should share. Apparently, I am going to be published!
This is where I say a humungoid thank-you to my dear sweet Mel. She told me that I should enter something in on, and I did. I entered a poem that took me all of five minuets to write, and was one of the shortest things I've ever written. Somehow, the people on the same website publishing Mel thought that something I wrote should be in this book they are putting together. Amazing. I think my heart pretty much stopped. I couldn't figure out why I had a letter from; I entered my poem just because. I hardly ever think that anything I write is worth publishing. But holy man! That made my day.
So there you have it; I have officially reached new levels of nerdiness. Dad, are you proud of me yet? I'm going to be in a freaking book!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Congratulations!

Jessica said...

I'm proud of you!!

If you guys are coming, I really need to know some details. I won't be getting back to BC until the 25th, then I have a midterm on the 26th and the 27th, so I won't be able to hang out much. Also, if there are boys coming I have to know so I can find out if it's ok if they stay at the house. If not we're going to have to sort something else out. And, I don't even know, but are you planning on staying with me? I need to know these things so if you could email in the next few days to let me know the details I would appreciate it! Thanks becca!!

Spoke said...

Ppppthwwwwth...I've been in a book lotsa times! The North Vancouver RCMP have it.