Monday, October 16, 2006

I Did the Macarena with my Dog because I'm a Ninja

I miss weekends. Either that, or I simply miss having more free time. See, being in school, employers were easier on me because they wanted my schoolwork to take proity. Now they want my serivces all the time. My evenings aren't always free anymore; my mornings are spent at my house alone; some days I don't see Curt until uber late if at all. I think we're all just getting more and more busy. At the end of this month though, The three of us are taking 6 days off of all work and everything together and are going to be spending a great deal of quality time together. Hopefully it remains "quailty," however, and we don't end up hating each other. Eith way, I can not wait!
Life has been good. I'm really enjoying being a happy person again. I've really started to realize how much my life became about me. Not necessarily the "me first" sort of thing, but definatly concerned about myself more than others. Wow, that is so different than the person I really am. I love making other people happy. I get this cool little high off of other people's smiles. Shari and I are trying to start organizing a team to go into the city and sort shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse again this year. I can't wait for that! It is always so much fun. I recommend it to everone! But anyway, I think this whole thing really has helped me realize how "off-track" I've allowed myself to get.
On Thursday, Laura, Bailey, and myself went down to our old high school to visit two ladies we love and miss dearly: Mrs. Senft, and Mrs. Hemple. At the school, our old teachers continued to make fun of me, especially Mr. Cameron. He's awesome. I miss him. I helped one of his Physics 20 kiddies, and did a great job, but he enjoyed bugging me about it.
Friday, I don't know what I did; had pie with Dave, Shelly, Zaira at 11pm. Saturday, work as per usual. Well, "usual" used loosely. It was the busiet day I have ever seen at the coffee shop. It took two of us to work and we were still overwhelmed and swamped. I spent nearly my entire day there; boy was I tired by the end of the day. Thanks to Laura though, the shift was made easier and not quite as stressful. Oh! And I went to an Epicure party. I ordered some yummy stuff, but mostly went and ate all of the food. And I mean all. I was so sick after that. Yummers!
Yesterday was finally kind of "normal" again. I went into the city with the guys and my girls for supper at the delightful Cactus Club, and a movie at Silvercity. We saw "The Marine." Terrible movie, but great for poking fun at. Well, jabbing fun at more likely. I realized just how much I miss hanging uot with guys. Guys, please take no offence if you are one, are far less emotional than girls, and they enjoy simply having fun. They don't talk around Ex's, and if they do it is not the same as a girl moping about one (I'm the Queen of this), they don't complain about things as much, and they are hilarious. I miss guys. I spent so much time with them in the past few years and now I'm down to pretty much all girl-friends. It's wierd; I feel rather unbalanced.
Today, I woke up and there was snow on the ground. I was so happy. I also got my board back from the paint shop today! Awesome timing Jim! It is gorgeous. As soon as I get home from work I am going to put my bindings on it and take it out to the hill in our backyard. Just for fun. Hopefully there will still be snow at that point in time though. I'm going to post a picture of it on here in a couple of days. It is so pretty, and it ended up costing me nearly half of what I had budgeted for it. Beans!
I suppose there is nothing more to write about. My life is a wee bit more mundane than I like right now. Yes I'm busy, but there is a difference between being busy and enjoying life. Hopefully things don't get to be too routine.

1 comment:

Me said...

That movie made me laugh... so over done... except the acting, which was underdone. It was probably a good thing for the sanity of the theatre that we didn't sit together.