Monday, October 30, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Okay, so my vacation isn't over yet, and I'm sorry for taking so long to blog our progress. Until, there hasn't really been any chance to, and I've been too busy taking a million pictures.

Quick progress report: We have been having an absolute blast! Right now I'm sitting in Kevin's house, on his computer writing this. We have already spent our time in Abbotsford with Jess. Wow, does time ever fly!

Our trip has been exceedingly eventful since the get-go. Three seconds after we left home (at 6am!!), we found that we had run over Curt's camera; an unfortunate way to start the trip, but it didn't really do anything to hinder our fun. We got to Abbotsford around 5pm on Thursday evening and checked into a Best Western with an unprecedented amount of ease. I must say, we have been unbelievably blessed on our journey; we have been so taken care of.

The hotel was awesome; there was a jetted hot tub which soothed our stiff muscles and a the rooms were actually really nice. The ladies that work there were a blessing to me, just simply being nice and letting us have their very last room!

Friday we headed off into Vancouver!!! I love it there and can't wait to go to school there. We took the sky train to the waterfront and wandered around the harbour for a while. Awesome! In the evening, we booked back to Abby and finally connected with Jess and went to a comissioning service at CBC. That was cool. Jess took us home and we spent the next couple of nights there. Saturday was spent with Jess. We went to Mission and to the Abby there; talk about gorgeous! Sunday came way too quickly and we found ourselves leaving for Quesnel to suprise Kevin and Brenda.

Our trip up north here was sketchy. There was a lot of ice and snow and we had to take it really slow. I mean really slow. It felt like it took us longer a than a day to get up here. And it was really funny: we literally drove through all of the seasons to get here. We started off down south were it is still summer or just the begining of autumn, then we hit late autumn and then dead winter and now we're back in mid-fall. I'm so confused.

But anyway, the suprise went well and as soon as we walked in the door we found lodging. We were prepared to spend the days in a hotel, but the Downey's just immediatly opened their house to us. Sweet!

Life has been random and a blessing so far; everyday has been so much fun. Well, with the exception of the trip up north yesterday. That was long. But, Curt's car is now "Home Sweet Home" to me.

Jess and the three of us running up some cool stairs at the Abby.

Also at the Abby, we found some huge leaves. Seriously, they're bigger than my head.

This is the Mission Westminster Abby, built in 1900, bearing water that I took a picture of and de-holyized.

This is yesterday when we suprised Kevin and Brenda. It was funny. She sceamed.

Laura and Curt at Canada Place in Vancouver, on the harbour. It was raining when we were in Vancouver, by the way. Big suprise.


Spoke said...

Too cool you saw the Abbey. I remember riding our motorbikes up to the archway one day. We realized the motors were very loud so we shut them off and pushed our machines to the parking area. We sat on the grass by the feild overlooking the river way below. We drank a can of beer each I had in my bedroll.We felt sneaky and guilty.
After that, we went inside an wondered around. i think I still have funky postcards the Monks would sell. VERY cool sanctuary. From a window in a room upstairs, we saw the Monks in full robes eating their lunch. Some were playing cards but i didn't have a camera with me.
That Monestary is beautiful...a peaceful escape from the noisey valley.

Anonymous said...

Sounds really fun! Except driving on ice, but I learned this weekend that driving on ice isn't all that scary (made it home from Kels's Sunday afternoon), and the sick feeling on invincibility that I'm still high off of was/is pretty sweet. I had to take things really slow too.
Glad you guys are having fun, can't wait to see your pictures.

Paula said...

You are making me homesick!!

The first time I went to the Abbey, the monks showed us the library and all these REALLY old books, some hundreds of years old. It was special and quiet and sacred. I'm glad you saw it!