Friday, October 06, 2006

Early Morning Joys

Don't get me wrong: I love waking up early, before the sun comes up, and I love going to bed late. But not both, every day.
I am almost done taking care of the coffee shop for the second week in a row. This requires I wake up early in the morning and work the long shifts; today is eight hours. then, after that, I go and clean in the late evenings. I think something is happening next week too that is taking my boss away and leaving me in charge.
I couldn't believe it. My body was so exhausted yesterday that I was able to go home and take a nap. The last time I took a nap was when I was in BC andhad spent a couple of days playing with a couple adorable little girls. Before that, I don't ever recall taking a nap. On top of that, I fell asleep on the couch watching "How It's Made," and I love that show. They were making guitar strings. I somehow ended up in my sweet bed, in my jeans and all, and slept until quater after 6. I keep waking up to manly voices in my house though; I'm always kind of afraid that there is some sort of perpatrator in my house. It was okay though; Evan had just come home to hang out with Curt, whom I was completly oblivious to and had no idea he was even home.
Any way, it has been another fun-filled, busy week. James, Bailey, and Zaira came over on Wednesday night to watch the season premier of "Lost," the greatest show ever. Last night a bunch of us watched "X-Men 3," and tonight, I think Dave and Brady are coming home so they might end up at my house. I think I might stay away from that.
Today I get to go to the Auto Body shop and finish my board. It seriously is the coolest snowboard ever! I can't wait unitl the mountains have snow on them and lifts are opened! Sweet joys! My board is now all black with what looks like streams of fire on it, 3 circles of various sizes, and two "fireballs." All I have left to paint is my Spanish phrase and a Chinese character. I guess I should sign it somewhere too.
I can not wait until our next road trip. It is going to take us out to Abbotsford, BC. I don't know which car we willbe using; I would assume Curt's as it is the best on gas. Unfortunatly, it is also the smallest.
OHHH! OHHH! Totally nearly forgot! I wrote something the other day. I wrote a wee poem! I'm so happy. I haven't been able to write since July and then something finally came over me while I was cleaning on Wednesday night. Allbeit, it was not the happiest of writings, but it was someting that my system has been trying to get out for a long time. As corney as it sounds, writing, for me, has always been a way to cleanse my mind and express myself. Not being able to write like I normally do was unbelievably frustrating. Keeping a blog is one thing, poetry another.
Well, this town is starting to wake up and people are wanting coffee. I should go. By the way, I love it when people leave comments. I love it even more when they are completely random!
Seriously, does anyone know how to upload pictures onto blogs? I would love to add a bunch, but I have no idea of how to do so.


Paula said...

Just click "upload photo", and then browse for the photo in your files. Press "upload", and voila! Photos.

pastor.kev said...

Hitchhiking is good. Towels are good too.

toomanywhatifs said...

hitchkiking is NOT good!! Towels are good though.

Imagine my delight to find that Becca has a blog!! How long has this been going on??!!

LOST is good.