Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Breaking News: Coffee Crisis!

This town lives on coffee, or so have come to realize. The power had some rather serious issues with working this morning, and it just so happened that Global Grounds was the only place in all of Linden to have full power. I was working. Country Cousins was unable to funtion, and everyone wanted their coffee. Mr. Mayor was in the shop just as the power flickered and first thing he asked me was: "Do you have water." The answer, a rather unfortunate "no". I had just filled the pots though, so I was praying that I would be okay until they got the pump house pumping again. A rush came through and everything was okay. There was a lull. The water came back and I restocked the coffee. Then another rush, a bigger rush. As the first four customers were placing their orders, the power went completely off, all over town. I was so screwed. Everyone ordered plain old drip coffee, which vanished in a matter of seconds (6 liters of coffee) and the till would not open so making change was a fun experience.

The coffee shop is creepishly quiet when all the machines are off.

Anyway, things are back in working order again and the coffee is all topped off. I, however, have realized that I will never have a "normal" day of work here. I rather enjoy this job.

I applied to my second, and much favored university yesterday: University of BC. The whole filling out applications thing is really weird for me; it doesn't phase me as much as I expected it to. I'm just really excited to be applying to places and having goals and such. I never have goals.

Last night was fun. For some rather odd reason, my one roomate was feeling playful/abusive last night. I don't know why he thought that hitting me would not result in a flogging. Fun times. We met in the landing of my house and basically tried to drop each other. I think I walked away "victorious??" but with a buttload more pain. Everything hurts. Good times though.

So there you have it. My new board. I love it. You can't really see the top picture too well, but on the top right hand corner is the Spanish phrase, and on the bottom left corner there is the Chinese character for courage. Oh, and my initals of course. I've learned that designing snowboards is uber fun.


Me said...

Pretty! That looks awesome Becca!


Jessica said...

Becca...the board is amazing!!! Well done lady.

if you guys are coming to Abby you have to let me know so that I can plan around it and figure some stuff out...let me know ok?

Paula said...

The board looks wicked. Hope you have business cards ready to hand out when everybody drools over it on the slopes...