Sunday, September 24, 2006

Road Trip Numero Tres

Shari is awesome, just so you know. We totally, and most decidedly randomly went on a very long road trip today. It was so much fun.
We started out with absolutely no bearings; we merely got in the car and headed west. Once in Carstairs we were wise and bought ourselves a "good" road map and then continued on our way.
I have learned that Alberta is indescribably beautiful, especially in the fall. Without reall using the map, we ended up at a place called Moutain Aire Lodge, stopped, and got a quick bite to eat. The lodge there is now owned and opperated by a homeless shelter the two of us used to volunteer at often. I saw a man I knew from those wonderful days, whose name, I believe, is Rob. He even served us. That made me happy. He has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever known.
Anyway, from there were started south on a road that lead us to a sign which warned us that the next "52" kms were curves. Boy howdy were they curved, and narrow, and edged by cliffs, and I swear there was far more than 52kms of them. We even saw a couple of signs that warned that adjacent roads were to be used that the drivers own risk. I loved that.
I love birch trees. They are so beautiful when they are yellow.
Anyway, so after about 1.5-2 hours of driving on narrow, very snakey roads, we ended up in Cochrane. Again we ate and then headed home. Through our journey, we actually came rather close to BC. I wish we had time to cross over.
Our trek home was where we found many difficulties. We came home through a hamlet called Madden, but according to our map, we shouldn't have. There were roads cited on the map that were not actually existant, and there were many orads that weren't even on our map. Stupid map. And it is not like I can't read a map; I really can--I am never lost, I swear. I hate this attribute about myself.
Eventually, after many turns, we ended up back in Carstairs and had only a couple more issues with roads. We wanted to take some roads we had never been on, just for something new. It was a buttload of fun.
Through and through, I think we covered somewhere between 450-500kms of road in about 7 or 8 hours. That is one giant circle.


Anonymous said...

Hello, so you ended up in Madden, by some road you couldn't find, that must have been "Madden-ing", anyway, i thought i should leave another comment so you have something to read when you come and check up on you blog, not a lot of folks leave comments, but hey! I Do!!!! Yeah me!! anyway, yeah, you likely passed the men's retreat, on your "52", so you know the area we were in now. Have a great Week!


Spoke said...

2 things i can think of here....USE A BIGGER FONT!
Road trips are good fun. I'm glad to hear you gals just don't spend time wasting away in front of screens playing games like too many boy humans. We are all dying! Get outdoors and die there!

Me said...

Hehe... I loved that 52 KM's sign. It's really too bad we didn't think to take a picture of that one. Good times. Can't wait for the next one!


Jessica said...

you guys are hilarious! miss you girl!