Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mr. Bluesky

It is sunny outside and that makes me happy.
Dave and Brady left this morning. I'm actually kind of suprised I wasn't crying the whole time. I went for breakfast with Curt, Dave, Randy, and Dave's family this morning. It is kind of cool how simply being around those people makes me happier and more at ease. I had to say "see you later" to Brady last night--again, suprised at the lack of tears and the presence of a sense of growing peace. I'm not entirly sure, at this point, if "peace" was the proper word to use there, so please don't read too much into that. Perhaps bitterness.
No matter how I look around it though, things are going to be intolerably different, hopefully only for a little while. I was cleaning last night with Zaira and the restaurant was silent. Well, except for the sounds cleaning makes. I mean, don't get me wrong; we talked to each other and to Shelly, but it was just not as fun as the guys made it. Oh darn. Somehow that is going to change.
I'm so excited about going out to the lake this weekend! I don't know why. I'm wanting to get out behind the boat on a tube or something. Maybe one day, if I get enough courage in me, I'll try wakeboarding.
Oh! And I'm hopefully going to get my nose pierced on Tuesday. We'll see how this map out.
Once again, I'm finding myself at work and lacking the motivation to work: today I get to fold several hundred "Coffee Talk's." My fingers actually have accquired small calluses on them.
I am totally watching "Fight Club" tonight. Brady left his stereo at our house; the remote is like a little keyboard and there are couple cabinets to the multi-pieced system. Totally old school. It's awesome.

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