Friday, September 01, 2006

New! CoverGirl's All Day Outlast Toothpaste

Somehow, despite the fact I have always been a wee bit wary of having an online journal-like thingy, I have decided to create one. How strange is that? It's funny because I can't honestly believe people will read this!

So today is September 1st; oddly enough, it feels as though today is the start of something new in my life. Fascinating! I hope it is something good and something uber fun.

Everything has been changing up in the past month, and sadly, it has been a wee bit of a rough ride for me. Thankfully I have awesome friends in BC that were willing to take me in for a couple of days and give me some much needed vacation. But while I was gone, one of mybest buds left for Bible collage in BC; I had to say good-bye to her before I left, and I realized just how much saying "good-bye" for long periods of time sucks. Now, again today, I have to say "see ya later" to two guys whom I care about deeply: I'm really going to miss them.

Does this seems weird at all?: I wish that I were heading off to collage/university this weekend too. At least that way I would be experiencing something new as well. Hopefully that will be happening to me a year from now; I'm currently applying to a university up the road and, by golly, do I hope I get in! At this point, I really don't know what "Plan B" would be. Maybe I will end up going to BC or San Diego or something. Who knows?

*Yawn* Becca needs some sort of mental stimulation. I got home at midnight last night and I'm pretty sure I was awake at least once ever hour until 6am. Then I had to get up and come to work. I work in a coffee shop, so you'd think I could just have some coffee to wake me up;sadly, this no longer works. I think my body has become pretty much immune to caffine as a result of the ever-present caffine in the air in the coffee shope. What a shame.

I got home after midnight last night only to find myself locked out. I felt horrible, but I had to wake my roomate, the only one home, to let me in. Though I went straight to bed, there was a supreme lack of sleep again; I think I was up at least once every hour and there was certainly no REM cycle. At 6am my alarm went off and I had to start booking to be ready and at work by 6:30, so I got up and lumbered over the bathroom to brush my teeth. Unfortunatly, early morning groggy eyes and a lack of glasses failed me: I mistook my Laura's coverup for my toothpaste. It did not taste very good. Not good at all.


pastor.kev said...

You should NEVER EVER put anything near your mouth when your eyes are mostly or all shut. I have been burned by that problem on more than one occasion. And guys should never go to the toilet with their eyes closed either. that's some good common sense there.

Spoke said...

YoBeck, I'm inspired by you! This isn't just some BS sunshine I'm shining here either.
Welcome to blogville ya geek!
Oh yea, make me a pie!

No Longer Here - see My Own Lamp Post said...

Well my beatuiful Becca, I understand your feelings about everyone moving on to new places all too well. And all I can say is never regret your descision to stay or go, after all, it is your descision, and God has got big plans for you, even if to you they seem small. You might effect more people by staying in this little town than someone woh travells the world, you never know the ripple effect you create and was intended for your life.
I babble, sorry. I love you

Laurie (formerly known as Momseekingpeace) said...

I thought it was very funny that you happened to be linked by meter count to my site because at about the hour you did I was at a friends house dying my hair from brown to red. Hee hee