Monday, September 11, 2006

Our Sunday Excursion

My good friend and I decided that this year, we are going to try and take short road trips to all of the communities around home that we never really go to because we're always heading into the city. Our first trip was to Didsbury, which was alright, but on Friday night we booted on over to Rosebud. Hands down, the quaintest little town ever! It was already dark by the timewe got there so we thought everything was closed, and it was. We parked by the Opera house, which was right next to a cafe, and got out, hoping to simply walk around. Awesomely enough, the cafe decided to open its doors rather spotaneously at 8:30pm. We totally went in and had some seriously yummy hot chocolate. The one guy working there was hot.
So my weekend was actually very good. I love doing things I haven't really done before, going places I've never really been, seeing new things, getting somewhat lost. It's awesome.
As another rather spontaneous decision, my roomates decided that we should spend our Sunday in the mountains on a waterfall hike. Sweet beans! I loved it. The three of us, Bailey and Megs all drove down towards CAnmore and found ourselves hiking through this gorgeous terrain until we found the first waterfall I have ever actually seen. It was cool. The main waterfall was hidden, so Curt, Laura, and Megs climbed over some fairly huge rocks juttining our from the face of the mountain to see if they could find it. Not trusting my climbing abilities, I hung bvack with Bailey. We took off our shoes and socks and went into the little stream there; the water numbed my feet in about 30 seconds. It was so "incolora" (clear). The two of us then decided to climb back up this other rock to see if we could take some pics of the other three kiddies. It was fun. Instead of taking the trils back, we all jumped from rock-to-rock down the stream. Poor Megs slipped a wee bit on the bank and soaked her mother's shoe.
We drove through Canmore before coming home.
I think we're wanting to try and do random new things like that more often now too. Normally when we "hang out," we watch movies or TV. This was far better. I love fresh air and feeling all creamped up from a day of physical activity!

Unfortunatly, driving through the mountains made me itch for snow. I can not wait until I can go snowboarding!

1 comment:

Spoke said...

I was having a chat with a pal of Pj's the other day as we drove to the city to pick up her washer/dryer.
I asked her what she would do if she knew she was dying. When she told me, I informed her that she WAS indeed dying. We all are!Why do we spend sooooooo much time doing nothing?
My new slogan?