Monday, September 18, 2006

Line, what line??

Laura and I were forced to go on a wee bit of an adventure last night.
At around 11:30 I had to blow my nose. We were all in bed already, but my stupid nose was keepingme awake. So I finally gave in. Unfortunatly, as I blew my nose, my nose ring decided it was going to come out and fall onto my blanket. I found it, but started getting into a panic: the piercing wasn't supposed to be changed for at least three months, and I'd only had it two weeks. Crap-a-ma-jig. I shot out of bed and into the bathroom, but for the life of me could not figure out how to screw the nose screw back in. Laura was still awake, so I went and got her. She tried to help, and did a good job, but it hurt! I needed to find someone who knew how to put one of these hings back in. So, we called our boss. Now, Wendy has proven to me that she is the best boss ever, time and time again, but this time, it was such an akward situation in which to enlist your bosses help. After waking her up, and a couple other people unfortunatly, Laura and I sped on over to Wendy's house; the car windows were very much so frost laden so this was a super fun-scary trip. Upon our arrival, I was greeted by Wendy who took me into her bathroom and said: Now, close your eyes. This will probably feel a little weird. She then proceeded to solve my problem by sticking her finger up my nose.
My boss had her finger up my nose. The line no longer exists to be crossed.
Laura and I left quickly, thankful that the dilema, which we had worried so many people with in our panic-ed stated, had come to an end.
That was probably the most exciting adventure of my weekend. Davecame back for a quick visit and to go to a RHCP concert, but I basically only saw him for lunch on Saturday; I clean buildings part time and this weekend, 2 of the four cleaners got rather ill and therefore I became exceedingly busy.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Apparently, I went on a double date on Saturday. Or at least that is what everyone is telling me. My friend and co-worker, Zaira, is staying at her aunt's house and her aunt rents out the many rooms of her house to people in need on lodging. Two younger guys moved in: one Chris, is a Courtney Berg-er and the other, Michael, is the new Loan officer at the ATB. Anyway, The two guys asked Zaira if she wanted to go to the city with them and catch a movie, and Zaira proceede to invite me. Flustered, I ended up going. Apparently, Michael and I "hit it off." I do not recall this "hitting it off." Yes, we talked the whole night but pretty much entirely about life in this small town and living with the Holdemen Mennonites. Nothing can possibly be more romantic than chatting about the Holdemens. Wu-diddly-hoo. As far as I know, I simply went to a movie with a friend and two guys I didn't really know before that night. It was a good learning experience for me. The two guys are not bad guys--they were really nice, somewhat decently moral--but they did help me to really realize how awesome my guy friends are and how much I under appriciate them. I came home and told Curt that he was awesome about five hundred times.
So I come into work this afternoon and am greeted by a table of friends whom Zaira told about this "double date." And thus, the bugging began.
Other than that, my weekend, as I said before, was filled with a buttload of cleaning (4 commercial buildings). There were some furisou fireworks at church yesterday over one of my guy friends having an earring,but I unfortunatly missed it. The story there was that there was some new prick at my church who torn up one side and down the other calling one of my guys friends a fag and "if he ever wanted to be a man he had to take the earring out right now because it made him look like a fag." Direct quote. This strange guy them ran out of the church and no one knows who it was. What ever his problem was, it was seriously dumb.
J-man, you know I love you just the way you are; don't ever change!


Anonymous said...

so who's got an earring? i need names!!

Paula said...

Just quietly show me who the close-minded man was, and I'll quietly re-educate him, OK?

Quietly. I promise.

Spoke said...

Hurray, another reason to look forward to church. Now where did I put MY ear rings?