Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jeepers Creepers!

Why is it that small towns are chalk full of freaking creepers? For once, I'm not the one being creepeed on, but seriously: the good-guy to creeper ratio is shockingly depressing. See, I work in a coffee shop, so i meet a lot of people. There is this one guy who drives a delivery truck around the area who, as far I as I can tell, had been creeping on this sweet woman that i know. Actually, he has more or less been secretly stalking her. Yikes!
So, I got my nose pierced the other day. That was awesome! I had some strange, yet very cool lady, stick her finger into my nostril, followed by a Q-tip covered in antiseptic, and the a 10 inch long, 1/2 inch wide hollow metal tube. This was a wee bit strange for me. I had Bailey taking pictures of the process with my cell the whole time. Apparently I made some very interesting faces. I was suprised at how little the piercing process actually hurt. That, and the whole thing maybe took all of 30-45 secondss.
After that, we totally went to the Cactus Club (best restaurant ever!!!!) for Shari's birthday. I actually ordered my first alcoholic order ever: a double Bellini. It was beautiful. Bright orange and red; it was placed under a spotlight. I made an angelic noise; it glowed like neon and was unbelievably beautiful. Seriously, if y'all end up going to the Cactus Club, might I recommend either the Spicy Chicken or Thai wings. Best food ever!
I was totally drawing my happy place today. This is good. I love my happy place. It makes me a happier person. Go figure.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but our house actually has food in it. Somehow, we have managed to be blessed with food, furniture, electronics, cutlery, and numerous other things. pretty much everything we have has been given to us, and I'm not going to lie: i don't remember ever praying about it. Pretty sweet. Well, I shouldn't say everything. We did find our one and only frying pan on the side of the road on our way into the city to pay a visit to good ol' Ikea. It's awesome: completely misshappen and the Teflon is scratching off. It even came with an inch of burned, unidentified crud stuck to it!
I can't believe that the Crocodile Hunter is gone! What an unfortunate turn of events. I, suprisingly, never saw that one coming. What will the new generations do without seeing Steve Irwin defying death and danger?
I suppose I should go and prepare to clean. Yeah! Mud pie! I love my mud pie. Delightful!


Spoke said...

Yoiks! Did you take a breath there girl?
Cool that you have a blog.
Let me know who the courier is...I can stop it happening quite easily!
tell me when you see me.

No Longer Here - see My Own Lamp Post said...

How could you not see Steve Irwin's demise coming? My goodness girl!! Oh, and creepers; figured out why I'm still single?