Sunday, September 03, 2006

All I want for Christmas...

So I am sitting here looking at websites for universities I'd like to go to, and it is kind of burning me out. I have no money, or so it would seem. I don't really know what I'm going to do. I suppose that working at a coffee shop can only get you so much.
Ergo, I believe that I have decided that all I want for Christmas is money that I can put aside for post-secondary. Yeah, that sounds good.
I keep hitting the "caps lock" key every time I go to hit the "a."
What do you do when you get restless? Seriously, in this small town, I have no idea of what I should go and do--especially when I'm not entirly sure I want to be around people. Any bright ideas folks?


that girl possessed said...

i suggest mini golf if there is one near by... mini golf makes everything better i find.

No Longer Here - see My Own Lamp Post said...

If only there was a mini golf course around! Well, Becca, can I scare you? Go my blog and read it. That's what you do in a small town when your restless! Kiddning, that's not all there is, but if you find something other than smoking and getting hammered, let me know! Love ya

Paula said...

Go play mini golf in the coulee park and aim for the gopher holes.

Of course, you'd need a never-ending supply of golf balls.