Thursday, August 02, 2007

It's Been a While

I almost had trouble remembering how to sign into blogger it has been so long since I've been here! The past month has been almost out of control. I've been multi-tasking to the nth degree, or so it feels like.
July started with 2 of my coworkers going to Mexico for 2 weeks. Being that there are only 4 people staffed at the coffee shop, this meant I had to do twice as much work. It was worth it though. The two weeks were an incredible amount of fun, however, and flew by far to quickly.
As soon as my co-workers came back, I took off to the city for four days. I volunteered to help lead the church's youth group while away at an inner city "missions"/ intensive volunteering program. It basically came down to this: 17 hour days of working and sweating your posterior off and slowly losing your ability to be naive and blind to the fact that we live in a broken and hurting world, and then doing literally all we could to better the life of someone else. In this case, we helped the homeless population of Calgary. It is made even more intensive in that the experience basically demands and develops into a need for complete selflessness. Intense, but so worth it. I have done the program a couple of times before, and was blessed again this time in meeting some amazing people who live on the streets.
Not saying that I am entirely selfless (nor am I by far), but I was lucky enough to have grown up in a struggling household; one that provided for itself at one point, and then couldn't later down the road. I've seen both ends of the scale, and guess what, I learned that there is now difference. I can not honestly see how 2 people can be comparable other than in the fact that they are both human. Nothing separates one from another, other than their personalities and uniqueness, and perhaps that is why I love going down the homeless shelter. I love people, and I love meeting them, regardless of any circumstance or conditions they're in. I mean, we're all people right?
The day after I got home from Calgary I took off to Vancouver for the weekend with a couple friends. We went to see Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (worth a listen to if I do say so myself) and got some sight seeing and "vacationing in to. We left at 10pm Friday night and got home 4am Tuesday morning. But boy, I can not wait until I move west!
That reminds me. I had some upsets a couple of days before I left for Calgary. I had about 3 days to find a buttload of money, or find a place outside of the dorms at school to live. I've ended up taking the latter, but trying to figure that one out in 2 days was a slightly hair raising experience! I asked a couple people to be praying that something would come up for me, a place to stay for cheap (I'm moving in less than a month!), and that my loans would come through soon, and both have basically been answered! I think I have found the perfect place to live, and the day we were leaving for the coast I got a package from the Government with pages needing signatures from someone at the school in Abbotsford (we stopped there on the way home and got that all taken care of) and now all I have to do is mail it and they will through the loan into my account. So thanks for the prayers guys.
Tonight I go off to Spokane for a couple days to take in some drag racing at the speedway. It's my last official vacation until I move, and my last chance to get away, so I hope things go well. I'm working a solid 3 weeks here, and then I'm done on the 30th. I can't believe that I'm saying that! Saying good-bye to the coffee shop is going to be impossible. I grew up here, in this building. This is where I transitioned from girl you young woman. It is my sanctuary, and I am going to deeply deeply miss it.

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