Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Great Sliverwood

So, remember how I said I was heading of to Spokane for the weekend? Ya, that didn't exactly play out as planned. We had ventured down on the plan to catch some nitro drag racing at their raceway there, and turns out, the raceway hadn't even planned to show nitro drag racing (which was gay, being that their schedule had read so, and we had been told that it would go down as such). All in all I ended up spending a whole hour, maybe hour and a half in Spokane. Instead, our journey took us to northern Idaho.
Rather than come straight home (which would have wasted the 8 hours it took us to get down there), we decided to camp the night somewhere and go to the sweetest amusement park I've been to yet: Silverwood. It's got some pretty intense wooden roller coasters, which is what made it so cool. One went 55mph, and the other 65mph. The faster one even went underground 4 times, but I was too much of a sissy to do that one. I went on the slower one and came off shaky enough. And I wasn't feeling the greatest either, really.
It was a good trip; I kind of lost my wits at the end after being stuck in a car for hours when I REALLY didn't want to be. After the theme park, we had planned to camp another night in Yahk, BC, but the campground was full. As were all of the other campgrounds on the road home. And every single hotel, motel, lodge, and inn. We tried to find a place to stay up until 3am Sunday morning, before utterly giving up and deciding that no matter how tired we were, we had to go home. I don't drive, but still don't know how our 2 drivers made the trip happen. We pulled up in front of my house at 6:30am, which means our trip home was nearly 12 hours. I slept in my own bed (second or third time in 2 weeks!) until 1:12pm this afternoon.
So now I am home for three weeks and a bit, before we make our "last" road trip to move me out west. I have a week to myself too, in that time, which I'm really looking forward to. Some alone time, you know, to reflect and ground myself again. It'll be nice. Anyway, my typing skills are rapidly depleting, so I shall sign off.

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