Wednesday, February 28, 2007

And The Winner Is...

I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot! I'm going to BC, woot!

So, I'm going to BC. Woot! I'm excited, as I'm sure you can tell. And yes, I was doing the happy dance in my head while I wrote that.
My decision was made last night, after I recieved a reply to my inquiries from one of the student advisers at UCFV. I emailed her asking for some more specifics on their courses because I want to be sure that I am able to emerge as a college grad with a career, a job, and get on with meeting my goals. I want to teach ESL in Latin America right? So, I need to take courses that will get be there. And, as it turns out, UCFV offers a course which teaches me to do that exact thing (had I known this, my decision would have come about a LOT sooner!), not to mention their kick bum linguistics course and study aborad Latin American Studies. Oh, and their English program too. I mean, how perfect can things get? This is so perfect for me; Grant MacEwan, though closer and more easier on my pocket, offers nothing that can compare to this (no TESL course, which is pretty much the cherry on top of the icing on top of the biggest flipping cake you've ever seen!)
The only thing that makes this transition scary for me is the fact that in 6 or 7 months, I'm going to be in an entirely different stage of life, and I know it. I am currently in point 'A,' and the road to point 'B' is particularly challenging and unknown to me. Frankly, I haven't the foggiest idea of how I am going to make all of this work. Though I guess it hasn't been 'me,' persay, making things work up to this point so I shouldn't try to start now.

Another bonus is that we are painting the coffee shop! That rights folks, no more gross pinky stuff and badly painted green in the bathroom. Laura and I came up with a brilliant colour scheme, Wendy added her wants, and together, the three of us came up with a flipping swet design. This place is going to look unbelieably different! I've been wanting toleave my mark here and now I have the chance to. The original date for the change has been set for Easter holidays, though my fingers are crossed for a closer date. I'm just so excited! It is going to look soooooo good, and not like any other coffee shop you have ever been too!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Iced Out

I am not a believer in karma or any of that, and not really a believer in bad luck either. I don't usually have 'bad luck' with anything, but there is one recurring issue that someone might resolve as 'bad luck.'
Over the course of the past two years, I have been without hot water in my house three times. The first time as a result of my family struggling to make ends meet and it having to be cut off, the second time, shortly after my folks got the hot water back, our tank violently exploded in the middle of the night (this was humerous. I woke in the middle of the night to hear what sounded like a rushing waterfall in the furnace room next to my bedroom. After checking it out and seeing water shooting everywhere like 20 pressure water hoses, my first words were: DAAAAAAAD!). Then, yesterday, in my own house, about a year later, the hot water tank blew only this time significatly less violently. But none the less, the flipping hot water tank ran out of hot water while I was in the shower.
It seems that I am fully versed on how to deal with living on cold water; I hate it, especially when I want a hot bath, but I know how to get by. Besides, it is cheaper and betters for your darks if you wash you clothes in cold water!
I take my experiences as learning experiences. After all, I am planning on living in 2nd and 3rd world countries for a good deal of my future. Who is to say I will always have hot water available?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

And the Irony Abounds...

Okay, now I don't know what to do. I got in UCFV in Abbotsford. I wanted to go there, it was ranked one below Grant MacEwan on my list, but that was when I had confidence that I would get into UBC. I wanted to be in BC so badly next year, but since I found out that Vancouver was not next for me, I had gotten used to it. And Edmonton has its benefits. However, I was thrilled at my acceptance to UCFV. Anyone know what the college is like? And where I could find a place to live in Abbotsford? Or how much dorm-living costs? I think the basic schooling is about the same. I don't know what I am going to do. BC or Alberta? both have so many pros and so few cons. This is unfair.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Every Day is a Fun Dip Day!

When I get down, when the stress becomes simply too frustrating, when people just down right get on my nerves and I spout of a string of profanities longer than the Great Wall of China, I know that my grey skies can be cleared by one lick of that wonderful sugar stick.

I love Fun-Dip. It has always been there for me, and many a fond memory has been made while sugaring up on it's goodness with friends. Perhaps as a result of its unstopable hyperactive powers.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Gaming Day

First of all, I want to thank everyone for being so encouraging. Last week was somewhat stressful, and it was so refreshing to know that there are people out there who really just want to see me succeed. Thanks y'all. Pretty schveet.
Well ,we finally got out to Banff this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, despite the fact that we really didn't do very much. I think we were there for a total of four or mybe five hours. For a two-three hour drive, our stay seemed pretty short. But fun, none-the-less.
We took my friend Shelly with us. Now, some people can only take so much of her, but I love her to death and am going to really miss her when I'm gone next fall. Allbeit, she is a rather questionable driver. Anyway, the four girls who went seperated from the guys and went into Calgary on the way home and did some shopping. So much fun! The highlight was...we finally got the fish for our tank! It only took about 6 months. I have two of my own: a big black moora with gold specks on his scales and a gold belly (his name is Mr. T.) and a white oranda with an orange head (Sherlock). They are so funny looking. Mr. T. likes to chase the other fish around. Laura and Bailey each got three; Bailey's are flipping hilarious. As Papa C put it "They're going to explode." Serisouly. They are tiny and so incredibly fat that the sheer dynamics of them being able to swim eludes me. They are the size of a big marble, just as round, and they have the most useless little fins. I love them! So cute.
So I am sitting now at the Dick's shop getting my laptop set for a day of gaming. "Gaming," if you are unfamiliar with the term, is a bunch of people gathering at one location to play a LAN game that usually involves shooting each other's brains out. It is somewhat more wholesome than it sounds. Somewhat.
I recently have become utterly addicted to Keane and Alexi Murdoch. If y'all are looking for some good, kinda easy-rockin' music, I strongly recommend those guys.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Moment, Please

So today, my life changed and rounded a corner I never really saw coming. Ironic as it all was, I saw none of it coming. Intrigued yet?
I'm going to college this fall, and it is a certainty now. However, I will be heading 'er on up to Edmonton, and not to the East or even the West coast. My hear kinda really broke when I found out I wasn't smart enough for the west or east, but know that I am to go to school this fall. So, as of, oh, say, 15 mins. ago I am an official student of Grant MacEwan Bachelor or Arts/Education program. I freaked out. Do you want to know how it is ironic? I'll tell you:
This morning, I finally signed that piece of paper I have been hanging on to for some time. The paper was to let MacEwan know whether I wanted to pull my registration from their school or not. I had said no, praying that I would be accpeted to UBC. I didn't seal the envelope. Laura and I went to the post office. She got the mail whilst I went to buy a stamp and send off my slip of no to GM. She got my reply from UBC. It's obvious what the answer was. I didn't actually read the rejection, but read through the envelope; I was too terrified to read the actual letter. I ran back inside the PO and got my letter back. After my return home, I franctically called MacEwan and paid $200 on my credit card (which I think I have never and will never be more grateful for having!) and after a frantic half hour on the phone with a sweetheart of a British woman, I am officially going to Grant MacEwan in the fall.
I am excited, believe it or not. I mean, at any point I can transfer. And besides, I'll still be meeting new people and hanging out with Dave and coming back frequently. Dad and Tommo will be happy.
So, on top of that, I have been suffocating with moments. I need a break. I'm getting way too emotional and getting easily spooked. I bought new glasses on Sunday, am getting my own, brand new lappy top this afternoon, recieved the book of poetry I am published in (first poem in the entire book baby!) and gotten to know a buttload of my Mom's family history. The latter in that sentence is possibly the most exciting of all though.
I've recently gotten in touch with my 2nd cousin and some relation, and been absolutely blessed by his communication. I'm strating to feel a little less alienated; I am actually related to people? What is this? Turns out, and this is all I really cared to devulge at this junture, I am nearly entirely Scottish. And only a 4th generation Canadian on Mom's side. Cool huh? I only wish I had that freaking sweet accent that all those Scot's have.
Anyway, my heart need's a break from this at the moment. Please be praying for me. I need a lot of it. Working an insane amount and freaking out about having to be mature and all is making my worry something fierce about finances and wondering whether I'm making my own decisions or God's decisions. Help!
And yes, I am still planning on taking Spanish courses in Panama, but think it would be more beneficial if I go to college first. You know, perhaps I'll know more about where God really, uber wants me by the time al lthis is done.
Seriously, prayers? I admitt, sometimes I am just not strong enough to pray for myself.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Week of Changes

So, yet another week has gone by and already February is here. I can't believe it! January went so fast, even though nothing really horribly major happened. Or so it feels like any way.
I am officially done cleaning the Cousins, and honestly, I do miss it. I only cleaned there for five months, and the first four were so much fun. The last one wasn't so much, but that wasn't what made me choose to drop it.
On Friday I actually start working for the Cousins washing dishes. I think I'll be working my way up to cook from there, which is far easier to do than start out as a cook. Other than that, I am still cleaning Jo-Al's and might possibly be starting to work the floor there. Yes, I know, I'm busy. I for sure have three jobs, and a possible fourth. Fortunatly, however, eaven working all of these jobs I still have plenty of time to kick back and relax. And, as a bonus, all of my jobs are so different and I get to work with some of the most interesting people.
Still no definate words of acceptance from either of the schools I really want to go to, but this week I have found myself to be mildly more patient. I really want to go to UBC though, and I mean REALLY!!
Any-who, I best be high-tailing it outta here. Time to go up to Three Hills and finish painting the walls at the Lube Go. Seriously, it looks pretty cool. I'm just helping Laura; she painted the majority of it. You should see it when we finish though. It's all black and white and blue and such.