Friday, January 05, 2007

My First MasterCard

So, not too much has been happening recently. I started working my third job, and am now going to be starting a fourth in a couple of weeks, I hope.
Oh! I feel so grown-up. I got my first credit card! I'm terrified of it, but I have one. I even used it this week to buy something for my brother. It's pretty exciting.
My "sister" April came to town for a visit yesterday. I was so happy to see her and meet her new beau, and even catch up with her Dad. I haven't really seen her since September, which is a long time for us. We've been having some minor troubles keeping in touch, but are constantly blessed whenever the communiques come along. She only lives and hour away, in the city I frequent, but for some reason we never get the oppertunity or think to get together. Unfortunate, I know.
So, for two weeks now, I am responsible for the coffee shop. I'm not too worried about it or anything; I normally have a lot of responsibilities there anyhow, but now, everything is on my shoulders. I am actually excited about it. I'm wanting to see how good of a leader I can actually be. I mean, I have taken care of the shop on my own before, but only for a couple days. Not two weeks! So everyone, come buy lots of coffee so Wendy can be pleasently suprised when she comes back!
Tomorrow night I'm going to this comedy thing in Calgary with some guys; it is Ron White a.k.a. Redneck comedy. I love it! I'm so excited. I miss hanging out with guys. It used to be that I spent more of my time with guys than girls, but things quickly changed when school ended and i feel somewhat deprived. Besides, I'm going with two of the funniest guys I know; how good could it possibly get?
I'm so excited! I get to play bass again at church on Sunday! I love playing for worship. The team is always uplifting and the songs just seem more powerful when I to play along with them. God ministers more to me through chords and beats rather than words. That's weird to say, because I write. A lot. I'm not ver musical; I'm still pretty novice. I'm gifted with the laguage skills more than anything. But still, that's the way it is.
Well, now that I am all dolled up, I think it is about time to go to the Cousins for supper. Here's me wishing you a very merry January 5th, 2007!

1 comment:

Spoke said...

Happy New year gurl!
Why on earth do you go to the country cousins?
I find the service horrible, the food overcooked to the point that the vegetables all taste like fresh air, and the high percentage of nosy, gossipy customers a boor. (SYNONYMS boor, barbarian, churl, lout, vulgarian, yahoo. These nouns denote an uncouth and uncultivated person: listened to the boor talk about himself all night; a barbarian bewildered by the art exhibit; offended by the churl's lack of manners; was married to an uncaring lout; refused to invite the vulgarian; acted like a yahoo at the restaurant.)
Now remember, thats MY opinion, one that has been reinforced each of the 7 or 10 times I've darkened the door over the past 7 years. (and I'll NEVER go back).