Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Again With the Waiting

It is Tuesday morning of what could quite possibly be one of the best weeks of my life. Or at least that's what I'm saying, anyway. I had the privilage of talking to one of my neighbours the other day, dear Ms. Falk, and she so wisely said that it is pessimism that makes life so difficult. Not that I'm depressed or unhappy about anything really; I am just looking at this week as awesome!
Actually, I have good reason to be so chipper. Mainly because my boss is back! I got to sleep in yesterday. All the way to 7:30. Also, I get to go snowboarding and stay at a hotel near the hill on Thursday-Friday, then come home and head out to Banff (we're going this weekend instead and taking David with us), and I think I've figured out what I'm going to do with my jobs. This week, and hopefully this week alone, I am working four. Fortunatly the coffee shop gives me more of a social life than I can handle already.
Still no definate news from Ontario or BC. Vancouver is back dated and my file should be reviewed again this week (I called yesterday because I hadn't heard from them in six weeks), and I have passed first wave admission down east, but failed to meet their requirements for early admisson because my transcript got there too late. What a bummer! Either way though, I have decided that I definatly want to fly down to Toronto to visit my family before school starts. I don't really know where my life is taking me at this point, and I certainly don't know when I will be able to make it down there to catch up with them again.
This whole waiting on colleges thing has really been trying my patience. I heard back from the one that was the wasy way out first, the one I used to want second, my second favorite third, and my number one has yet to get back to me because they are so back logged. I find this...ironic? I have a feeling God is trying to teach me something here; normally I'm spoiled with this sort of thing because I am fairly smart, charasmatic and so determined that I usually get everything I want within my time frame. This is now out of my control and I'll admitt, it drives me crazy some days. I think the keyword here is: Faith. I know a lot of people are praying for me, but perhaps I should be praying more. Now don't get me wrong; I usually shoot up a little prayer here and there throughout the day, but maybe some more serious meditation is in order. I just don't know.
I was reading the newspaper this morning and saw this picture on the front page of the Money section. It bothered me. It showed a gas pump in Florida that is selling "Terror- Free Oil." It has one side of the pump devoted to oil from U.S. Frienldies and the other to Non-Friendlies. The caption underneath reads: " 'Fill 'er up with some high octane, low-terror, please.' A group based in Florida plans to open gas stations selling fuel made from oil that doesn't benefit states that support terroism." Seriously, if you can get your hands on a Calgary Sun, take a look at the Money section. It's right there on the front. I would love to hear thoughts.

1 comment:

Spoke said...

We can forever pick and choose our botcotts and support items. I have tons of friends in BC that support The Big Red Machine via Route 81 goods. (Hells Angels)
I stay away from Wal-Mart (bastards), Shell Oil and McDonald's. I have my reasons.
I think the thing to be certain of in all of this, is the reasons behind your choices. Stay away from the "flavour of the day". Don't cast your lot in (or out) simply because of other people. I know no other human that boycotts the Big Three only, it's all up to us. There is lots to choose from, get educated, and stand firm! For example, people support some corporate American products because Bono says to...what a joke(r).