Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dead Silent

We're home! Yeah! Sort of! No, just kidding, it is good to be home; I was quite pleased tobe sleeping in my own bed again last night.
We, by the grace of God, made it home around 8pm yesterday (in time for Lost!!!). We almost weren't able to leave Quesnel yesterday though. Curt fell quite ill the on Halloween night (and no, not from candy. He didn't even get to go trick or treating with us!!!) and we weren't sure if he was going to be able to drive home. Then, later that night, Laura got quite ill too, so things were looking kind of precarious. Fortunatly, Curt was feeling good enough to drive home yesterday, and we booked it straight to Linden. Seriously, we came home through Jasper. There were all of two towns to stop in: McBride and Nordegg. Nordegg makes me laugh. I will always remember it as redneck central. The gas station had little hunter G-I Joes and a huge shot gun mounted on the wall; at the town's entrance, they had a sign "Hunting within town limits is prohibited." No kidding.
Anyway, it is a bright Thursday morning and I'm finding myself back at work already. There is a fall fair in town this weekend, and two of my three jobs are sharing a table at the fair. This means I have a buttload of painting and sewing to be doing in the next two days! But first, I'm going to put low lights in my hair or something.
So yes, I send huge thank-yous out to all who blessed the three of us on our road trip. And what a road trip at that! We pulled up to our house and were a whole 40kms away from 3000kms travelled. Too bad we were sick of being in the car or we could have driven up to Three bumps and back to top off the odometer. Next time I guess.
It was really cool though. Coming down the Icefield Parkway, we suddenly found ourselves at 7000ft. This is really funny because on our way to Abbotsford, we hit an awesome low of -2ft. Anyway, we stopped at a viewpoint and took a quick walk. The snow there was pure crunchy powder and there was nothing but silence. Absolutly nothing. We were the only car on the road too. Even the ringing in our ears was gone. It was so cool. An awesome way to wind down a trip; you know, spending a moment in pure silence, finding some sort of clarity. Well, at least that was what it was like for me. We took a couple of pictures of that beautiful place. I'll put them up sometime soon.
Nothing else really happened on our way home. I lost my sanity after not getting out of the car for more than 6 hours straight. That was fun. Our tushies were completly numb. Oh, and we nearly killed all of the wildlife around HWY 11. There were deer, moose, and moutian goats all over the road. I was happy to have finally seen some mountain wildlife. The roads were more than a wee bit icy, so stopping before hitting them was presumably rather interesting.


Spoke said...

get to work!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! And made it in one piece... that's always good.