I love halloween, serioiusly. I love it. I mean, people giving out free candy and getting to dress like an idiot for one day? How much sweeter can it get?
Tonight I'm going trick-or-treating in Quesnel with the Downey's and then we're heading off to a Fall Fun Fest. There will be games and fireworks. I love fireworks! I have learned that people in BC have fireworks for everything; to this I say: No fair! Why doesn't Alberta embrace pyrotechnics? I love exploding colours.
Holidays, however, have been great. Kicking around Quesnel has just been a great way to relax and catch up with some good friends. I love the three mini Downey girls too, so fooling around with them has been a blast. We've already been to one Fall Fun fest since getting here, and I was almost just as into all of the little games as th kiddies. I ended up squirting some stranger, who was also a pastor, in the face with water. I felt bad. I should apologize.
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we head home. I'm not ready to head home; the three of us just want to head back down south and once again enjoy the lower mainland. It is such a beauiful place. We missed out on seeing one of my old classmates when we were on CBC campus, which kind of bummed us out a little, but hanging out with Jess more than made up for it. We want to go back sometime. We're thinking mayber New Year's in Vancouver. Fun fun fun!
But yeah, so, when I end up back in Linden (we're planning on making it back in time to watch the beloved Lost show), I'll try to upload some more pics. I've got them coming out the wazzu--it's just a matter of finding the best ones.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Home Sweet Home
Okay, so my vacation isn't over yet, and I'm sorry for taking so long to blog our progress. Until, there hasn't really been any chance to, and I've been too busy taking a million pictures.
Quick progress report: We have been having an absolute blast! Right now I'm sitting in Kevin's house, on his computer writing this. We have already spent our time in Abbotsford with Jess. Wow, does time ever fly!
Our trip has been exceedingly eventful since the get-go. Three seconds after we left home (at 6am!!), we found that we had run over Curt's camera; an unfortunate way to start the trip, but it didn't really do anything to hinder our fun. We got to Abbotsford around 5pm on Thursday evening and checked into a Best Western with an unprecedented amount of ease. I must say, we have been unbelievably blessed on our journey; we have been so taken care of.
The hotel was awesome; there was a jetted hot tub which soothed our stiff muscles and a the rooms were actually really nice. The ladies that work there were a blessing to me, just simply being nice and letting us have their very last room!
Friday we headed off into Vancouver!!! I love it there and can't wait to go to school there. We took the sky train to the waterfront and wandered around the harbour for a while. Awesome! In the evening, we booked back to Abby and finally connected with Jess and went to a comissioning service at CBC. That was cool. Jess took us home and we spent the next couple of nights there. Saturday was spent with Jess. We went to Mission and to the Abby there; talk about gorgeous! Sunday came way too quickly and we found ourselves leaving for Quesnel to suprise Kevin and Brenda.
Our trip up north here was sketchy. There was a lot of ice and snow and we had to take it really slow. I mean really slow. It felt like it took us longer a than a day to get up here. And it was really funny: we literally drove through all of the seasons to get here. We started off down south were it is still summer or just the begining of autumn, then we hit late autumn and then dead winter and now we're back in mid-fall. I'm so confused.
But anyway, the suprise went well and as soon as we walked in the door we found lodging. We were prepared to spend the days in a hotel, but the Downey's just immediatly opened their house to us. Sweet!
Life has been random and a blessing so far; everyday has been so much fun. Well, with the exception of the trip up north yesterday. That was long. But, Curt's car is now "Home Sweet Home" to me.

This is the Mission Westminster Abby, built in 1900, bearing water that I took a picture of and de-holyized.
This is yesterday when we suprised Kevin and Brenda. It was funny. She sceamed.
Laura and Curt at Canada Place in Vancouver, on the harbour. It was raining when we were in Vancouver, by the way. Big suprise.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Vacation Here I Come!!!!
So this week has been really slow and rather boring so far, thus the reason there haven't really been any entries recently. But hey, I finally added a display picture! I think I did it wrong though.
Today is may last day of work for a whole, hopefully blessed week. I am so tired. I always find it funny that my pay check either never changes or goes up frm pay period to pay period, even whenI take a whole week off. This is nice.
Um so yeah, fun things that have happened--anything that has happened. Hmmm. Huh. Hum. Well, I was cuddling with Shari and Curt last night as we watched the classic Shrek movies. Oh yeah, then Curt and I got involved in yet another violent throw down. Lost is on TV tonight, which means : Party at BECCA'S! Oh yeah, that was cool. Someone actually referred to the house I live in as "Becca's" and it was not one of my girlfriends. Nor was was it even one of my closer guy friends, but dear James, who just became my favorite person in the whole wide world. See, I live with Curty and Laura, and everything has alwats been Curt's, ie. Curt's house (his parent's house), Curt's car (actually Laura's now), Curt's shop (his dad's), and so on and so forth. But the house is officially mine to someone other than me! I'm happy. Sorry Laura, one daysomething will be yours, I promise.
Today is may last day of work for a whole, hopefully blessed week. I am so tired. I always find it funny that my pay check either never changes or goes up frm pay period to pay period, even whenI take a whole week off. This is nice.
Um so yeah, fun things that have happened--anything that has happened. Hmmm. Huh. Hum. Well, I was cuddling with Shari and Curt last night as we watched the classic Shrek movies. Oh yeah, then Curt and I got involved in yet another violent throw down. Lost is on TV tonight, which means : Party at BECCA'S! Oh yeah, that was cool. Someone actually referred to the house I live in as "Becca's" and it was not one of my girlfriends. Nor was was it even one of my closer guy friends, but dear James, who just became my favorite person in the whole wide world. See, I live with Curty and Laura, and everything has alwats been Curt's, ie. Curt's house (his parent's house), Curt's car (actually Laura's now), Curt's shop (his dad's), and so on and so forth. But the house is officially mine to someone other than me! I'm happy. Sorry Laura, one daysomething will be yours, I promise.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Holy flipping tush-monkeys! I just got the strangest thing in the mail, and I thought I should share. Apparently, I am going to be published!
This is where I say a humungoid thank-you to my dear sweet Mel. She told me that I should enter something in on Poetry.com, and I did. I entered a poem that took me all of five minuets to write, and was one of the shortest things I've ever written. Somehow, the people on the same website publishing Mel thought that something I wrote should be in this book they are putting together. Amazing. I think my heart pretty much stopped. I couldn't figure out why I had a letter from Poetry.com; I entered my poem just because. I hardly ever think that anything I write is worth publishing. But holy man! That made my day.
So there you have it; I have officially reached new levels of nerdiness. Dad, are you proud of me yet? I'm going to be in a freaking book!
This is where I say a humungoid thank-you to my dear sweet Mel. She told me that I should enter something in on Poetry.com, and I did. I entered a poem that took me all of five minuets to write, and was one of the shortest things I've ever written. Somehow, the people on the same website publishing Mel thought that something I wrote should be in this book they are putting together. Amazing. I think my heart pretty much stopped. I couldn't figure out why I had a letter from Poetry.com; I entered my poem just because. I hardly ever think that anything I write is worth publishing. But holy man! That made my day.
So there you have it; I have officially reached new levels of nerdiness. Dad, are you proud of me yet? I'm going to be in a freaking book!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Dirty Mop Water
Have you ever had a day where people simply frustrate you? I don't know why, but today has not been fun. People keep making me angry. Argh. It started when I got to the coffee shop and was greeted with smiles and all, but as soon as I got here I had to start working. I'm so tired of this, but for some very strange reason, one of my co-workers either leaves bags of garbage just sitting around the back or just doesn't take it out. Argh. There were like 30 boxes just sitting outside that back door that I didn't get a chance to take out yesterday, and they were still there today. How hard is it toake them to the bin when you take out the garbage. I mean seriously! It took more effort to walk around them and not trip on them. Grr.
On top of that, every time I work, it seems like my to-do list grows two-fold, no matter how much work I get done. I feel like I'm being held responsible for the proper running of this place, whether it's clean or not, and have to pick up after my co-workers. I get customers getting angry at me because there is no coffee made; they come at the end of a rush and I'm frantically trying to get caught up, clearly, and they still freak out at me. I'm inconviencing them. They're always getting angry at me for inconviencing them. Erg.
Then, today, the espresso machine was somewhat hurt by yesterday's fluctuating water pressures and is leaking everywhere.The machine was down and I couldn't make anything; just serve the coffee that was already made and the pop in the cooler. I made so many people angry. That was a real fun time for me.
If I could, I would likely scream at a customer: "Take a deep breath! I am doing the best I can, can't you see that? I'm sorry things aren't working right now, but you laying it on m is not going to fix things! Just back off!"
Do you think the person would come back if I shorted out on them like that?
I went to start mopping then, and found the mop water to be pretty much black. Joys. CAn't anyone else ever change it?
I'm just burned out. Maybe a week in solitary confinement would be a good thing for me.
On top of that, every time I work, it seems like my to-do list grows two-fold, no matter how much work I get done. I feel like I'm being held responsible for the proper running of this place, whether it's clean or not, and have to pick up after my co-workers. I get customers getting angry at me because there is no coffee made; they come at the end of a rush and I'm frantically trying to get caught up, clearly, and they still freak out at me. I'm inconviencing them. They're always getting angry at me for inconviencing them. Erg.
Then, today, the espresso machine was somewhat hurt by yesterday's fluctuating water pressures and is leaking everywhere.The machine was down and I couldn't make anything; just serve the coffee that was already made and the pop in the cooler. I made so many people angry. That was a real fun time for me.
If I could, I would likely scream at a customer: "Take a deep breath! I am doing the best I can, can't you see that? I'm sorry things aren't working right now, but you laying it on m is not going to fix things! Just back off!"
Do you think the person would come back if I shorted out on them like that?
I went to start mopping then, and found the mop water to be pretty much black. Joys. CAn't anyone else ever change it?
I'm just burned out. Maybe a week in solitary confinement would be a good thing for me.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Breaking News: Coffee Crisis!
This town lives on coffee, or so have come to realize. The power had some rather serious issues with working this morning, and it just so happened that Global Grounds was the only place in all of Linden to have full power. I was working. Country Cousins was unable to funtion, and everyone wanted their coffee. Mr. Mayor was in the shop just as the power flickered and first thing he asked me was: "Do you have water." The answer, a rather unfortunate "no". I had just filled the pots though, so I was praying that I would be okay until they got the pump house pumping again. A rush came through and everything was okay. There was a lull. The water came back and I restocked the coffee. Then another rush, a bigger rush. As the first four customers were placing their orders, the power went completely off, all over town. I was so screwed. Everyone ordered plain old drip coffee, which vanished in a matter of seconds (6 liters of coffee) and the till would not open so making change was a fun experience.
The coffee shop is creepishly quiet when all the machines are off.
Anyway, things are back in working order again and the coffee is all topped off. I, however, have realized that I will never have a "normal" day of work here. I rather enjoy this job.
I applied to my second, and much favored university yesterday: University of BC. The whole filling out applications thing is really weird for me; it doesn't phase me as much as I expected it to. I'm just really excited to be applying to places and having goals and such. I never have goals.
Last night was fun. For some rather odd reason, my one roomate was feeling playful/abusive last night. I don't know why he thought that hitting me would not result in a flogging. Fun times. We met in the landing of my house and basically tried to drop each other. I think I walked away "victorious??" but with a buttload more pain. Everything hurts. Good times though.

Monday, October 16, 2006
I Did the Macarena with my Dog because I'm a Ninja
I miss weekends. Either that, or I simply miss having more free time. See, being in school, employers were easier on me because they wanted my schoolwork to take proity. Now they want my serivces all the time. My evenings aren't always free anymore; my mornings are spent at my house alone; some days I don't see Curt until uber late if at all. I think we're all just getting more and more busy. At the end of this month though, The three of us are taking 6 days off of all work and everything together and are going to be spending a great deal of quality time together. Hopefully it remains "quailty," however, and we don't end up hating each other. Eith way, I can not wait!
Life has been good. I'm really enjoying being a happy person again. I've really started to realize how much my life became about me. Not necessarily the "me first" sort of thing, but definatly concerned about myself more than others. Wow, that is so different than the person I really am. I love making other people happy. I get this cool little high off of other people's smiles. Shari and I are trying to start organizing a team to go into the city and sort shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse again this year. I can't wait for that! It is always so much fun. I recommend it to everone! But anyway, I think this whole thing really has helped me realize how "off-track" I've allowed myself to get.
On Thursday, Laura, Bailey, and myself went down to our old high school to visit two ladies we love and miss dearly: Mrs. Senft, and Mrs. Hemple. At the school, our old teachers continued to make fun of me, especially Mr. Cameron. He's awesome. I miss him. I helped one of his Physics 20 kiddies, and did a great job, but he enjoyed bugging me about it.
Friday, I don't know what I did; had pie with Dave, Shelly, Zaira at 11pm. Saturday, work as per usual. Well, "usual" used loosely. It was the busiet day I have ever seen at the coffee shop. It took two of us to work and we were still overwhelmed and swamped. I spent nearly my entire day there; boy was I tired by the end of the day. Thanks to Laura though, the shift was made easier and not quite as stressful. Oh! And I went to an Epicure party. I ordered some yummy stuff, but mostly went and ate all of the food. And I mean all. I was so sick after that. Yummers!
Yesterday was finally kind of "normal" again. I went into the city with the guys and my girls for supper at the delightful Cactus Club, and a movie at Silvercity. We saw "The Marine." Terrible movie, but great for poking fun at. Well, jabbing fun at more likely. I realized just how much I miss hanging uot with guys. Guys, please take no offence if you are one, are far less emotional than girls, and they enjoy simply having fun. They don't talk around Ex's, and if they do it is not the same as a girl moping about one (I'm the Queen of this), they don't complain about things as much, and they are hilarious. I miss guys. I spent so much time with them in the past few years and now I'm down to pretty much all girl-friends. It's wierd; I feel rather unbalanced.
Today, I woke up and there was snow on the ground. I was so happy. I also got my board back from the paint shop today! Awesome timing Jim! It is gorgeous. As soon as I get home from work I am going to put my bindings on it and take it out to the hill in our backyard. Just for fun. Hopefully there will still be snow at that point in time though. I'm going to post a picture of it on here in a couple of days. It is so pretty, and it ended up costing me nearly half of what I had budgeted for it. Beans!
I suppose there is nothing more to write about. My life is a wee bit more mundane than I like right now. Yes I'm busy, but there is a difference between being busy and enjoying life. Hopefully things don't get to be too routine.
Life has been good. I'm really enjoying being a happy person again. I've really started to realize how much my life became about me. Not necessarily the "me first" sort of thing, but definatly concerned about myself more than others. Wow, that is so different than the person I really am. I love making other people happy. I get this cool little high off of other people's smiles. Shari and I are trying to start organizing a team to go into the city and sort shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse again this year. I can't wait for that! It is always so much fun. I recommend it to everone! But anyway, I think this whole thing really has helped me realize how "off-track" I've allowed myself to get.
On Thursday, Laura, Bailey, and myself went down to our old high school to visit two ladies we love and miss dearly: Mrs. Senft, and Mrs. Hemple. At the school, our old teachers continued to make fun of me, especially Mr. Cameron. He's awesome. I miss him. I helped one of his Physics 20 kiddies, and did a great job, but he enjoyed bugging me about it.
Friday, I don't know what I did; had pie with Dave, Shelly, Zaira at 11pm. Saturday, work as per usual. Well, "usual" used loosely. It was the busiet day I have ever seen at the coffee shop. It took two of us to work and we were still overwhelmed and swamped. I spent nearly my entire day there; boy was I tired by the end of the day. Thanks to Laura though, the shift was made easier and not quite as stressful. Oh! And I went to an Epicure party. I ordered some yummy stuff, but mostly went and ate all of the food. And I mean all. I was so sick after that. Yummers!
Yesterday was finally kind of "normal" again. I went into the city with the guys and my girls for supper at the delightful Cactus Club, and a movie at Silvercity. We saw "The Marine." Terrible movie, but great for poking fun at. Well, jabbing fun at more likely. I realized just how much I miss hanging uot with guys. Guys, please take no offence if you are one, are far less emotional than girls, and they enjoy simply having fun. They don't talk around Ex's, and if they do it is not the same as a girl moping about one (I'm the Queen of this), they don't complain about things as much, and they are hilarious. I miss guys. I spent so much time with them in the past few years and now I'm down to pretty much all girl-friends. It's wierd; I feel rather unbalanced.
Today, I woke up and there was snow on the ground. I was so happy. I also got my board back from the paint shop today! Awesome timing Jim! It is gorgeous. As soon as I get home from work I am going to put my bindings on it and take it out to the hill in our backyard. Just for fun. Hopefully there will still be snow at that point in time though. I'm going to post a picture of it on here in a couple of days. It is so pretty, and it ended up costing me nearly half of what I had budgeted for it. Beans!
I suppose there is nothing more to write about. My life is a wee bit more mundane than I like right now. Yes I'm busy, but there is a difference between being busy and enjoying life. Hopefully things don't get to be too routine.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Her First Snow
Though I thought life would settle down a wee bit after Thanksgiving, I'm quickly realizing that I was terribly wrong. Let's just say, I can't wait until my 6 day vacation at the end of the month; it will officially be the longest holiday I have ever taken, and most likely, a shear buttload of fun.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. My cold is disappaiting, thank goodness, and I'm finally getting back to my old self and having some fun with life again. For the past eight or nine months, I've been gradually getting more and more unhappy, feeling pressured by worries and the whole "growing up" schpeel; worried about goodbyes, about being forgotten, about getting stuck. The past little while has been rather muchly extremely difficult, but now I see I am okay; I see thatI will actually be okay. There are so many people in my life who deserve unending thanks for helping me figure stuff out, cry a bunch, sit and ramble on about what I think is wrong, and justhuggin me and not asking questions when I was feeling blue. Y'all rock and I'll love you forever. Except Curty maybe; last time he hugged me my rib cage ended up caving in and a giant bruse developed in a somewhat unfavorable location (this from the guy who didn't know how to hug three months ago??!!).
As I've said before, one of my jobs is cleaning. I clean a restaurant with another girl six nights a week. We have a lot of fun with this job; so far, in the month that we have been cleaning it, we have had perhaps a week where nothing strange or unfortunate has happened (see "Becca! Why is it Raining in the Kitchen??" post). But anyway, though cleaning is not my forte and not exactly something I want to do for an extended period of my life, I'm having a lot of fun. Especially because of my cleaning mate, Zaira. She has been such a blessing to me and literally came out of no where. She didn't even plan on coming up to Canada, or think about it, or want to, until two or three days before she caught the plane. She was supposed to move to the city with her friend and go to college. I can't believe how drastically her life changed. She has definatly been a blessing to me, so I'm truly not complaining that she made that decision, but wow. That take a LOT of guts. I truly admire her; she has been such an inspiration and encouragement. She is even teaching me Spanish and I am teaching her English. It is actually working well. I've learned a lot more Spanish, primarily because Zaira often stops speaking English so I have to learn some Spanish. We have fun. Fewer and fewer things are being lost in translation.
But anyway, yesterday was an important day for Zaira. It was her first snow. Even though there wasn't much snow, it was her first. I wanted to share this with people, because I thought it was so cool, so abscure, that someone whouldn't even know what snow was if it fell on there face. There was white stuff on the ground, not much, but enough to astonish her. She was astonished by snow! I just take it for granted. Laura and I had to tell her that it was snow because she honestly had no idea what it was, though we have been joking about it since she got here in July. Poor sweetie though, she has an old winter jacket her Grandma gaveher; it goes down to her knees and is this great, horrible white monstrosity. She sobbed "Becca, estoy muy muy muy muy gorda (Becca, I am very very very very fat)." She thinks the coat is too fluffly and huge. She is so cute. I'm going to post a picture of her on here as soon as my upload starts working again.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. My cold is disappaiting, thank goodness, and I'm finally getting back to my old self and having some fun with life again. For the past eight or nine months, I've been gradually getting more and more unhappy, feeling pressured by worries and the whole "growing up" schpeel; worried about goodbyes, about being forgotten, about getting stuck. The past little while has been rather muchly extremely difficult, but now I see I am okay; I see thatI will actually be okay. There are so many people in my life who deserve unending thanks for helping me figure stuff out, cry a bunch, sit and ramble on about what I think is wrong, and justhuggin me and not asking questions when I was feeling blue. Y'all rock and I'll love you forever. Except Curty maybe; last time he hugged me my rib cage ended up caving in and a giant bruse developed in a somewhat unfavorable location (this from the guy who didn't know how to hug three months ago??!!).
As I've said before, one of my jobs is cleaning. I clean a restaurant with another girl six nights a week. We have a lot of fun with this job; so far, in the month that we have been cleaning it, we have had perhaps a week where nothing strange or unfortunate has happened (see "Becca! Why is it Raining in the Kitchen??" post). But anyway, though cleaning is not my forte and not exactly something I want to do for an extended period of my life, I'm having a lot of fun. Especially because of my cleaning mate, Zaira. She has been such a blessing to me and literally came out of no where. She didn't even plan on coming up to Canada, or think about it, or want to, until two or three days before she caught the plane. She was supposed to move to the city with her friend and go to college. I can't believe how drastically her life changed. She has definatly been a blessing to me, so I'm truly not complaining that she made that decision, but wow. That take a LOT of guts. I truly admire her; she has been such an inspiration and encouragement. She is even teaching me Spanish and I am teaching her English. It is actually working well. I've learned a lot more Spanish, primarily because Zaira often stops speaking English so I have to learn some Spanish. We have fun. Fewer and fewer things are being lost in translation.
But anyway, yesterday was an important day for Zaira. It was her first snow. Even though there wasn't much snow, it was her first. I wanted to share this with people, because I thought it was so cool, so abscure, that someone whouldn't even know what snow was if it fell on there face. There was white stuff on the ground, not much, but enough to astonish her. She was astonished by snow! I just take it for granted. Laura and I had to tell her that it was snow because she honestly had no idea what it was, though we have been joking about it since she got here in July. Poor sweetie though, she has an old winter jacket her Grandma gaveher; it goes down to her knees and is this great, horrible white monstrosity. She sobbed "Becca, estoy muy muy muy muy gorda (Becca, I am very very very very fat)." She thinks the coat is too fluffly and huge. She is so cute. I'm going to post a picture of her on here as soon as my upload starts working again.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Stalling Out
So today is officially Thanksgiving. I'm heading home for dinner at about 4pm and am currently hoping and praying that all goes well. Apparently my mom even made pie. This is a new development.
Yesterday was also filled with a great deal of food. First it was out to Dick's for yummy ham and pie, and then to the Robinson's for turkey and cake. I was only able to down a wee bit at both places. But all was simply delicious. After dinner at the Robinson's I was able to play some Xbox with about 10 other people. It was awesome; the Big Room became nerd central and I was in the middle of it all. It was nice to game again. I had so much fun with everyone. These people are all my family, and yet I belong to none of them. I love them all. They keep me.
Unfortunatly, working early mornings and late evenings and not sleeping or eating enough for the past two weeks has made me sick. My head feels like a lead weight, my nose stuffed up, my stomach its usual unsettledness, and I had a terrible night of "sleep." I have't been sleeping well for a couple of months already, but last night, my stupid brain just would not shut off. I was dreaming about going to school all night, and Mr. H. was hunting my down, Brady was leaving again, Tiffany attacked me, and the gosh darn bus just would not come at the end of the day so it could all be over with. Oh man did that suck. Every time I woke, which was about every two hours on the dot, I had to redo my breathing excersizes just to doze off. Normally I only have to do meditations once right when I'm going to be in order to clear my mind enough to sleep, but holy cow it was not working at all last night!
Anyway, that's enough of that. The past couple of days have been evenful. Laura, Zaira, and I watched a movie called "Silent Hill." We knew it was supposed to be scary, which is why we watched it. The three of us girls ended up cuddling on one end of the couch in my house; there was screaming, choking, and ripping out of my hair, done mostly by Laura. It wasn't too scary. It just had a creepy little girl and an elevator plunging to Hell. Great times. Poor Curt came home to some seriously hyper girls, who also ended up cuddling with him. He is a man; he'll keep us safe right?
On Saturday I applied to my first Univeristy! Big step for Becca. This is great. It is called the University College of the Fraser Valley, and is located, convieniently in Abbotsford, BC. Shari and I were talking about moving there next year anyway. I'm no longer applying to Seattle, however. Apparently they offer zero financial aid to international students and I am not eligible for any scholarships if I am an international student. This is lame; I wanted to try for there, despite their ridiculously high tuitions.
Oh well, God closed that door but opened one for the University College, which I hadn't even been looking for; it just popped up. I have to make sure that I have faith that I'll end up where He wants me to be in the next year. My heart feels that my time in Linden is coming to a close for sure. I don't really know how to explain it, but when I think about really, truly starting my own, new life, I know that I won't be here. The thought of leaving feels like a warm sunshine on my face, like an awakening, like happienss.
I walk around this town a lot. Everything used to inspire me; God has given me eyes to see life and beauty in most everything, whether I acknowledge it or not. A year ago it felt like this place still held something greater for me. Now, this feeling has nearly dried up completely. I know that a small part of it comes from my heart being broken, but I've also had some sort of stubborness and knowledge of direction. I know, I can feel, that this place just doesn't fit anymore; I know that there is something far greater out there for me than what I'll recieve of I just stay put. I'll come back, of course, and I'm not wanting to dismiss how much I love my family, my dear roommates, my mentors, friends--everyone here. But this just doesn't feel right anymore. Besides, if I go away and things just aren't working out, maybe I'll realize I was wrong, or maybe the whole me going away is just a way of me finding strength in my faith again. Lord knows it is lacking.
Blah, huge ramble there kiddies, sorry about that. Like I said, I'm sick. My brain is expelling all the "toxins" (being the things I haven't been telling people). I feel completely unconcious right now. It's fun.
Good song to listen to: "Stalling Out" by Mute Math. They are a kick-freaking-butt band Daryl and Jess got me into. Even if you don't have an afinity for musical talents, the band rocks. This song makes me happy. I think this entry is long enough. G'day all. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yesterday was also filled with a great deal of food. First it was out to Dick's for yummy ham and pie, and then to the Robinson's for turkey and cake. I was only able to down a wee bit at both places. But all was simply delicious. After dinner at the Robinson's I was able to play some Xbox with about 10 other people. It was awesome; the Big Room became nerd central and I was in the middle of it all. It was nice to game again. I had so much fun with everyone. These people are all my family, and yet I belong to none of them. I love them all. They keep me.
Unfortunatly, working early mornings and late evenings and not sleeping or eating enough for the past two weeks has made me sick. My head feels like a lead weight, my nose stuffed up, my stomach its usual unsettledness, and I had a terrible night of "sleep." I have't been sleeping well for a couple of months already, but last night, my stupid brain just would not shut off. I was dreaming about going to school all night, and Mr. H. was hunting my down, Brady was leaving again, Tiffany attacked me, and the gosh darn bus just would not come at the end of the day so it could all be over with. Oh man did that suck. Every time I woke, which was about every two hours on the dot, I had to redo my breathing excersizes just to doze off. Normally I only have to do meditations once right when I'm going to be in order to clear my mind enough to sleep, but holy cow it was not working at all last night!
Anyway, that's enough of that. The past couple of days have been evenful. Laura, Zaira, and I watched a movie called "Silent Hill." We knew it was supposed to be scary, which is why we watched it. The three of us girls ended up cuddling on one end of the couch in my house; there was screaming, choking, and ripping out of my hair, done mostly by Laura. It wasn't too scary. It just had a creepy little girl and an elevator plunging to Hell. Great times. Poor Curt came home to some seriously hyper girls, who also ended up cuddling with him. He is a man; he'll keep us safe right?
On Saturday I applied to my first Univeristy! Big step for Becca. This is great. It is called the University College of the Fraser Valley, and is located, convieniently in Abbotsford, BC. Shari and I were talking about moving there next year anyway. I'm no longer applying to Seattle, however. Apparently they offer zero financial aid to international students and I am not eligible for any scholarships if I am an international student. This is lame; I wanted to try for there, despite their ridiculously high tuitions.
Oh well, God closed that door but opened one for the University College, which I hadn't even been looking for; it just popped up. I have to make sure that I have faith that I'll end up where He wants me to be in the next year. My heart feels that my time in Linden is coming to a close for sure. I don't really know how to explain it, but when I think about really, truly starting my own, new life, I know that I won't be here. The thought of leaving feels like a warm sunshine on my face, like an awakening, like happienss.
I walk around this town a lot. Everything used to inspire me; God has given me eyes to see life and beauty in most everything, whether I acknowledge it or not. A year ago it felt like this place still held something greater for me. Now, this feeling has nearly dried up completely. I know that a small part of it comes from my heart being broken, but I've also had some sort of stubborness and knowledge of direction. I know, I can feel, that this place just doesn't fit anymore; I know that there is something far greater out there for me than what I'll recieve of I just stay put. I'll come back, of course, and I'm not wanting to dismiss how much I love my family, my dear roommates, my mentors, friends--everyone here. But this just doesn't feel right anymore. Besides, if I go away and things just aren't working out, maybe I'll realize I was wrong, or maybe the whole me going away is just a way of me finding strength in my faith again. Lord knows it is lacking.
Blah, huge ramble there kiddies, sorry about that. Like I said, I'm sick. My brain is expelling all the "toxins" (being the things I haven't been telling people). I feel completely unconcious right now. It's fun.
Good song to listen to: "Stalling Out" by Mute Math. They are a kick-freaking-butt band Daryl and Jess got me into. Even if you don't have an afinity for musical talents, the band rocks. This song makes me happy. I think this entry is long enough. G'day all. Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Pictures!!! I Love Paula
Yep, I have pictures coming out the wazzu here, and I would love to show you some. I guess I should have asked Curt, Shari, and Laura's permission before publishing their faces on the internet though. Oh well, I know they'll love me anyway!
This is Shari's cute little face creeping quite freakishly.
My dear's Laura and Shari were in the back of the car for the entire trip.

Most of the pictures we have are of Curt driving; he seems to be concentration very hard.
Preparing to go.
The three of us on the hotel bed. Curt was figuring how the self timer worked and then it started going off. So, I dive bombed the bed in front of him and Shari and Laura dog piled me.

Most of the pictures we have are of Curt driving; he seems to be concentration very hard.

Friday, October 06, 2006
Early Morning Joys
Don't get me wrong: I love waking up early, before the sun comes up, and I love going to bed late. But not both, every day.
I am almost done taking care of the coffee shop for the second week in a row. This requires I wake up early in the morning and work the long shifts; today is eight hours. then, after that, I go and clean in the late evenings. I think something is happening next week too that is taking my boss away and leaving me in charge.
I couldn't believe it. My body was so exhausted yesterday that I was able to go home and take a nap. The last time I took a nap was when I was in BC andhad spent a couple of days playing with a couple adorable little girls. Before that, I don't ever recall taking a nap. On top of that, I fell asleep on the couch watching "How It's Made," and I love that show. They were making guitar strings. I somehow ended up in my sweet bed, in my jeans and all, and slept until quater after 6. I keep waking up to manly voices in my house though; I'm always kind of afraid that there is some sort of perpatrator in my house. It was okay though; Evan had just come home to hang out with Curt, whom I was completly oblivious to and had no idea he was even home.
Any way, it has been another fun-filled, busy week. James, Bailey, and Zaira came over on Wednesday night to watch the season premier of "Lost," the greatest show ever. Last night a bunch of us watched "X-Men 3," and tonight, I think Dave and Brady are coming home so they might end up at my house. I think I might stay away from that.
Today I get to go to the Auto Body shop and finish my board. It seriously is the coolest snowboard ever! I can't wait unitl the mountains have snow on them and lifts are opened! Sweet joys! My board is now all black with what looks like streams of fire on it, 3 circles of various sizes, and two "fireballs." All I have left to paint is my Spanish phrase and a Chinese character. I guess I should sign it somewhere too.
I can not wait until our next road trip. It is going to take us out to Abbotsford, BC. I don't know which car we willbe using; I would assume Curt's as it is the best on gas. Unfortunatly, it is also the smallest.
OHHH! OHHH! Totally nearly forgot! I wrote something the other day. I wrote a wee poem! I'm so happy. I haven't been able to write since July and then something finally came over me while I was cleaning on Wednesday night. Allbeit, it was not the happiest of writings, but it was someting that my system has been trying to get out for a long time. As corney as it sounds, writing, for me, has always been a way to cleanse my mind and express myself. Not being able to write like I normally do was unbelievably frustrating. Keeping a blog is one thing, poetry another.
Well, this town is starting to wake up and people are wanting coffee. I should go. By the way, I love it when people leave comments. I love it even more when they are completely random!
Seriously, does anyone know how to upload pictures onto blogs? I would love to add a bunch, but I have no idea of how to do so.
I am almost done taking care of the coffee shop for the second week in a row. This requires I wake up early in the morning and work the long shifts; today is eight hours. then, after that, I go and clean in the late evenings. I think something is happening next week too that is taking my boss away and leaving me in charge.
I couldn't believe it. My body was so exhausted yesterday that I was able to go home and take a nap. The last time I took a nap was when I was in BC andhad spent a couple of days playing with a couple adorable little girls. Before that, I don't ever recall taking a nap. On top of that, I fell asleep on the couch watching "How It's Made," and I love that show. They were making guitar strings. I somehow ended up in my sweet bed, in my jeans and all, and slept until quater after 6. I keep waking up to manly voices in my house though; I'm always kind of afraid that there is some sort of perpatrator in my house. It was okay though; Evan had just come home to hang out with Curt, whom I was completly oblivious to and had no idea he was even home.
Any way, it has been another fun-filled, busy week. James, Bailey, and Zaira came over on Wednesday night to watch the season premier of "Lost," the greatest show ever. Last night a bunch of us watched "X-Men 3," and tonight, I think Dave and Brady are coming home so they might end up at my house. I think I might stay away from that.
Today I get to go to the Auto Body shop and finish my board. It seriously is the coolest snowboard ever! I can't wait unitl the mountains have snow on them and lifts are opened! Sweet joys! My board is now all black with what looks like streams of fire on it, 3 circles of various sizes, and two "fireballs." All I have left to paint is my Spanish phrase and a Chinese character. I guess I should sign it somewhere too.
I can not wait until our next road trip. It is going to take us out to Abbotsford, BC. I don't know which car we willbe using; I would assume Curt's as it is the best on gas. Unfortunatly, it is also the smallest.
OHHH! OHHH! Totally nearly forgot! I wrote something the other day. I wrote a wee poem! I'm so happy. I haven't been able to write since July and then something finally came over me while I was cleaning on Wednesday night. Allbeit, it was not the happiest of writings, but it was someting that my system has been trying to get out for a long time. As corney as it sounds, writing, for me, has always been a way to cleanse my mind and express myself. Not being able to write like I normally do was unbelievably frustrating. Keeping a blog is one thing, poetry another.
Well, this town is starting to wake up and people are wanting coffee. I should go. By the way, I love it when people leave comments. I love it even more when they are completely random!
Seriously, does anyone know how to upload pictures onto blogs? I would love to add a bunch, but I have no idea of how to do so.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Moving to BC!!!!
So our trip out to Kamloops went really well, for the most part anyway. I closed the shop at 1pm, and we were on the road out of this town by 1:02pm.
We drove almost straight there on the Trans-Canada, stopping only in Golden and once on the side of the road where the Government is building one seriously huge bridge. It was cool. The supports are al that are there as of yet, but one of them is a couple hundred feet tall. I have pictures. If I ever figure out how to add pictures to this site, I will add some. After all, we took over 200 pictures this weekend!
Oh yeah, I just remembered. We also stopped in Sicamous at the "D Dutchman Dairy" and got some fabulous home-made ice cream. Yummers. We signed the guestbook there too.
By the time we actually got to Kamloops it was about 8:30 BC time, maybe a bit ealier. We were all checked into a hotel by 9:00 BC time. Checking in was a somewhat scary ordeal. None of us have credit cards, so we were kind of worried we wouldn't be able to get a room anywhere. Butwe did. The nice man at front desk just made us leave a large cash deposit on top of the cost of the room.
Although Laura, in all her wonderful glory pack us enough snacks to last the two days, we wanted some real food and thus, walked to the Timmy's across the road from the hotel. There, we were greeted by many young people. They were pretty cool. On the way to the Timmy's though, a car full of guys honked at us three girls, and Curt. I'm not sure they saw Curt, and am hoping that they weren't honking at him. It was funny.
Bedtime came around 10:30pm BC time, and it was pretty darn sweet. There was too much laighing happening to be able to fall asleep right away, too much creeping, and I suppose too much smuthering. Poor Curt had to sharea bed with his sis. Poor Shari-Bobbins had to share a bed with me!!
Morning came far too early, and only Shari and I got any sleep really. We checked out by 8:40am BC time and were out of Kamloops by 9am. Early! The trip home was so much fun.
We stopped in Sicamous again, only this time we wanted to go swimming in the Shuswap. Running toward the beach and stripping clothes of frantically, three of us dove in to findthe water only slightly warmer than expected. We then proceeded to frantically run back out, into our towels and then scurry into our dry clothes. for the other people at the beach, which was only a cute couple, our actions were very humerous.
Then we were off to Timmy's again, and then on the long road home. We stopped at the beautiful Crazy Creek suspension bridge and waterfall where Shari most unfortunatly lost her purse when we sign the guestbook. We also stopped by 3 Valley Gap, the giant Ceders Boardwalk, Roger's Pass, the Spiral Tunnels, and even once on the side of the road becase we ran into Flo, Maurice, and Zaira. That was funny. We knew they were there, but they didn't know we were there. Well, they did, because they saw our names in the guestbook at the "D" Dutchman Dairy. But we were all suprised to run into each other. We stopped again in Golden, numerous other random points on the road because the view was breathtaking, Cochrane, and then finallly, home. It took us, in total, 11 and a half hours to get home. That wasa long trip.
Once home, Laura and I went off to work. Laura's car broke and she had some late night misfortunes there, and I was waiting for Zaira to get home until after 11pm Alberta time.
But I have figured out one thing for sure. If I don't get into any Universities for next year, I am moving to BC no matter what. I love it there.
I can not wait until ournext road trip. As far as I know, it is coming up around the end of the month, and once again to BC. Only this time, we're taking off for five days or so. Too many places to go and people to see to do it all in a weekend again!
We drove almost straight there on the Trans-Canada, stopping only in Golden and once on the side of the road where the Government is building one seriously huge bridge. It was cool. The supports are al that are there as of yet, but one of them is a couple hundred feet tall. I have pictures. If I ever figure out how to add pictures to this site, I will add some. After all, we took over 200 pictures this weekend!
Oh yeah, I just remembered. We also stopped in Sicamous at the "D Dutchman Dairy" and got some fabulous home-made ice cream. Yummers. We signed the guestbook there too.
By the time we actually got to Kamloops it was about 8:30 BC time, maybe a bit ealier. We were all checked into a hotel by 9:00 BC time. Checking in was a somewhat scary ordeal. None of us have credit cards, so we were kind of worried we wouldn't be able to get a room anywhere. Butwe did. The nice man at front desk just made us leave a large cash deposit on top of the cost of the room.
Although Laura, in all her wonderful glory pack us enough snacks to last the two days, we wanted some real food and thus, walked to the Timmy's across the road from the hotel. There, we were greeted by many young people. They were pretty cool. On the way to the Timmy's though, a car full of guys honked at us three girls, and Curt. I'm not sure they saw Curt, and am hoping that they weren't honking at him. It was funny.
Bedtime came around 10:30pm BC time, and it was pretty darn sweet. There was too much laighing happening to be able to fall asleep right away, too much creeping, and I suppose too much smuthering. Poor Curt had to sharea bed with his sis. Poor Shari-Bobbins had to share a bed with me!!
Morning came far too early, and only Shari and I got any sleep really. We checked out by 8:40am BC time and were out of Kamloops by 9am. Early! The trip home was so much fun.
We stopped in Sicamous again, only this time we wanted to go swimming in the Shuswap. Running toward the beach and stripping clothes of frantically, three of us dove in to findthe water only slightly warmer than expected. We then proceeded to frantically run back out, into our towels and then scurry into our dry clothes. for the other people at the beach, which was only a cute couple, our actions were very humerous.
Then we were off to Timmy's again, and then on the long road home. We stopped at the beautiful Crazy Creek suspension bridge and waterfall where Shari most unfortunatly lost her purse when we sign the guestbook. We also stopped by 3 Valley Gap, the giant Ceders Boardwalk, Roger's Pass, the Spiral Tunnels, and even once on the side of the road becase we ran into Flo, Maurice, and Zaira. That was funny. We knew they were there, but they didn't know we were there. Well, they did, because they saw our names in the guestbook at the "D" Dutchman Dairy. But we were all suprised to run into each other. We stopped again in Golden, numerous other random points on the road because the view was breathtaking, Cochrane, and then finallly, home. It took us, in total, 11 and a half hours to get home. That wasa long trip.
Once home, Laura and I went off to work. Laura's car broke and she had some late night misfortunes there, and I was waiting for Zaira to get home until after 11pm Alberta time.
But I have figured out one thing for sure. If I don't get into any Universities for next year, I am moving to BC no matter what. I love it there.
I can not wait until ournext road trip. As far as I know, it is coming up around the end of the month, and once again to BC. Only this time, we're taking off for five days or so. Too many places to go and people to see to do it all in a weekend again!
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