Monday, October 06, 2008

R.I.P. May You be Well

So today really sucked. Not only am I sick with a stupid cold, nor is it good enough that I am falling behind on my school work, but my Grandpa died this morning. My last Grandpa. The only Grandpa that I really even remotely got the chance to know. I'm wishing this month would just pass, I would get A's on everything, and everyone would just be happy and healthy again.

I can't say that my Grandpa's internment was expected, but all things considered, it happened so fast. Two months ago he suddenly collapsed from a massive heart attack, went through some crazy surgeries, he was in a coma for six weeks, may have had a stroke sometime in there too, and when he finally woke up he was a completely different person. He was fine, and then he wasn't anymore. I was out there last year and would have never guessed it would be that last time I'd see him.

My Grandpa was one half of the strongest couple of people I have ever known. I admire my Grandma for being the most strong-willed, silently-loving, and one of the wittiest people have ever known, and her dedication to my Grandpa is something I have always been amazed by. My Grandpa was the softer side of the story: like a giant teddy bear. Because we lived in Alberta and them in Ontario, I only got to see the two of them a handful of times and mostly when I was younger, but when I did, Grandpa would love playing little pranks like pretending he cut off all his fingers just because it freaked the wiggens out of me, or being Santa Clause at Christmas time. All things considered, my relationship with my Grandparents has been a long-distance one, but none the less one which has been open and welcoming.

I'm just sad. I mean, I'm happy that Grandpa is no longer frustrated and stuck in a hospital bed, and hopeful that Grandma will now be able to move on from this (though after spending her entire life with him, I imagine it will be incredibly difficult), but I'm sad because it really turns a day sour when you lose one of the few people in this world that you really love.

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