Sunday, November 02, 2008


October is finally over, and hopefully this month will be better. Last month was...difficult.
To catch you up on the news, a brief summary: my Grandfather passed away early-ish in the month, in a period of two weeks I had three papers and three mid-terms, I joined a three-day a week running club, I made my first Thanksgiving dinner (which turned out amazing), and got home for an incredibly brief visit somewhere in there too. In addition to all that, I also found myself working quite a bit, and processing through some rather difficult decisions regarding my schooling and home-life. I am looking forward to semester break and perhaps some mental vacation.
School is going fairly well this semester. I am in two psychology classes (one is an intro to psych and the other specifically focuses on educational psychology), an Anthropology class focusing on culture change and the 3rd world, and one modern literature class. I am struggling more than last year simply in that these courses are more challenging than those I took last year, either because they are second-year courses or not within my forte.
I'm at the pint where I have to begin thinking quite seriously about declaring a major and what specific courses I need to take, and where I hope to end up. I'm currently headed down a teacher's path, which is what I had originally planned, but am leaning more towards teaching secondary-level Social Studies than English. For this reason, I am planning on taking an wither a major or extended minor in History accompanied with a second extended minor in Anthropology (two extended minors is UFV's equivalent of a double major).
In addition, I am considering foregoing my earlier intentions of getting my Teacher of English as a Second Language certificate. This is a relatively big decision, and I haven't set any thing in stone as of yet. I am considering this because I love cultures--I love the hodge-podge mix of races and traditions, melodies of various languages--I want to observe and respect uniqueness as is, not assimilate mankind to one dominant culture.
So that is all about the school aspect of life. At home, I am enjoying my new apartment. One day, when it is clean, I plan on uploading a few pictures. My room mate is Curt and so far, he is still desperately seeking employment. He's been out here two months and has yet to hear back from any other the dozens and dozens of places he has applied to. Worst case scenario, if he does not hear back from anyone in the next two weeks, he will be headed back to Alberta for a month or so to work for some friends and former employers. This would only be a short-term, temporary solution and he would technically be continuing to live in Abbotsford, but needs to pay some bills! I am praying that this will not be the case, however, as it would complicate my work schedule and I would be living alone. The living alone thing only scares me because I have never lived on my own for extended periods of time before, and I'm already lacking in social interactions as it is.
I hope that is a good enough update on the goings-on in my life. I'm still single and have not knowingly met the infamous "Mr. Right" as of what (not that I'm particularly scouting him out), and am still at Starbucks, although I am considering seeking a complete job change in the new year, after the holiday season. What else...oh yes. Bob. I've been wanting a pet quite badly so I now have a fish named Bob. He's a very responsive, handsome Betta fish who live in a bowl in my living room and basically at the center of social activity in the house. I still long for a big ol' dog, but can't justify having one in an apartment. For now, Bob is perfect.
Like I said, October was a crazy month, and I am dearly hoping that November is more positive.

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