Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Tale of Two Cities

This past week has been...a tale of two cities. My trip home was absolutely fabulous, and totally refreshing. It really felt good being back home and seeing everyone (and seeing people I knew); I never realized how many people read my blog!
So, a tale of two cities. Right. First of all, an update on how my 1st month at university has gone. I've already written 2 midterms, the first one being for Spanish and the second for Linguistics. The Spanish one was easy for me in the first place, but even to my surprise, I wrote it and obtained the highest mark in my class. Between that and the hand-in assignments which I've also been getting top marks at, I am at the top of my class! Woo-hoo! The second, for linguistics, I wrote mere hours before my flight home for the holiday. My head was fairly focused on the test, but lets face it, I was distracted. I was sitting behind the hottest guy in all of my classes too, which didn't affect me too much, but notably some. Anyway, I was one of the first people done the exam, but left so discouraged. I was convinced I bombed. I mean, I thought as logically as I could and really put an effort into it, but boy, I honestly thought I failed. So much so that my whole flight home was frustrating as I could not stop thinking about it. I couldn't even sleep that night because my brain would not shut off the linguistics. Nor did it for my whole weekend. I was seriously worried about it; I have only failed one test in my life and that was in Physics 30. I could not stand the thought of failing something, let alone in an institution as expensive as university! By the time I flew back out here, I was okay with failing, knowing that I would just have to push myself even harder and make up for the one failed midterm on the next 2 quizzes and the next midterm. Alas, in class on Tuesday, I realized that my weekend was merely a reality check and that in truth, I had pulled off a solid A with a 90.5% on the exam.
That was the good, and now, for the...I don't say want to say "bad," because that may not be so. It seems as if I have underestimated the costs of going to school. I am needing some serious prayers as it seems I am seriously lacking funding. I didn't take out as big of a loan as i could have because lets face it, loans suck. But I also was not expecting to be so long getting a job, or for the costs of goods to be so flipping expensive! I mean, I certainly have not been squandering my money since moving here. I've had to buy some clothes because my wardrobe was not entirely suitable for the climate, I don't eat out or go partying or out to movies, I have paid 2 months rent and damage deposit and for food, cell bill, tuition, books (which was twice as expensive as perceived), and then clothing for work at Starbucks (which was a seriously unexpected and un-budgeted expense), and now, with the end of the month looming, only a half month of work, rent coming up and some unpaid bills, and now registration for next semester and those fees (already!), I'm in the hole. So please, be praying that somehow the money turns up. I thank you all for all your prayers, and I have such confidence that God has me here for a reason and He didn't just bring me here to drown in unfamiliar waters, but I am at a loss. I'm not worried about it this time.
Back on the upside, I think I get to go back to Vintage this weekend as a carpool has been organized! After going back home and getting back to the church, I really realized how good it was to be taught again. I took it for granted for so long, or so it seems, that now, I've really realized how good it is to worship with other people and have my beliefs challenged and to be taught and to be having a relationship with God again. How easily I forgot! I've really been thinking about my relationship with God and my relationship with my job or studies, and in the past couple weeks I've really realized that God's usually getting the shaft. My courses have really been challenging my concepts of what is real socially and how it relates to me morally and spiritually, and how intricately we've been designed, even just our capacity create random sounds, give them meaning, communicate and most amazing is our acquisition of language! I mean, all I can really say is: "How?"
So that is that, for now. Hope I've helped fill in some blanks. Thanks for your continued prayer and love!

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