Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sleepless in Seattle

It's Tuesday night, but it so does not feel like it. It feels more like a Monday.
So, this weekend was insane, in a good sort of way. Curt and Laura got out to visit me for four days, which was good fun. We were--I was--so busy. Between being with them and working my regular shifts, I am spent! But I wouldn't have traded a moment otherwise.
The two got out here on Thursday evening and we feasted on all things unhealthy while watching "Nightmare Before Christmas"; bright and early Friday morning we headed out for Granville Island in Vancouver. That place is something else! I liked it; Granville Island is not actually an island, but an artisan based community underneath the Granville Street bridge overlooking False Creek and English Bay in Vancouver. We toured various art galleries that showcased mediums of wood, pottery, paint, paper, glass, silk...everything. We went through the fresh market, which smelled so good, and went to the brewery and bought some Granville Island Beer. Yum-my! It's defiantly worth a stop if you're in Vancouver.
I didn't have to work again until Sunday afternoon, so first thing Saturday morning we drove down to Seattle and did the tourist thing there. We stopped, of course, at Pike Place, went up the Space Needle, to the Aquarium, and to the Experience Music Project Museum of Modern Music. All very good fun. Seattle is yet another, amazingly artistic community. I loved walking around and seeing and hearing all of the buskers, but the hotel we stayed in...golly was I on the verge of going postal. It was alright in the daylight, but at 2am, the drunks started coming back for their mid-night snack and were slamming doors and yelling; the walls in that place were thin to begin with, and when they were slamming the doors, it sounded like the whole wall was about to fall over. I think Laura and I managed a 5-6 hour sleep that night, after hoofing around the city all day and me needing to work a full 8 hours at Starbucks the following day. Phew. I was rather testy. Oh, and the attractive male ratio is much better in Seattle, which really made our trip there worth while.
Monday morning came really fast; I had to work until midnight on Sunday, and fortunately, Curt was kind enough to come and pick me up. At 7am, I was up again, we went for a quick coffee with friend, and found ourselves on the the road to whirlwind trip to Whistler. The drive was spectacular, but in truth, we were in Whistler for maybe a half hour (it is a 2.5 hour drive from Abby, barring all traffic problems) for lunch, and then turned right around to get me back to Abby in time for work. It was amazing: we made it through construction and Vancouver, both ways, with no traffic. I was even a half hour early for work.
They left this morning, and it was sad again. But not too bad. This time I had to throw myself back into my neglected homework. I just prefer being the one who does the leaving.
So I went to my only class today, and the first thing I hear about is how 2 of my "friends"/classmates have recently gotten engaged. They are my age. They were looking at dress magazines and talking about weddings and their hubby-to-be's, and boy, was that ever a new experience.

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