Friday, April 20, 2007

Slip n' Slide

So last night I was privilaged enough to have a new experience. Curt and I, on a mission to gorge ourselves on donuts, were on our way to Olds to raid Timmy's when suddenly the slush took Curt's car and pulled us right into the ditch. We slid, and slid, and slid, until we were nearly in a farmer's field. No injuries occurred, and Curt's car managed to survive mostly unscathed. However, while we waited for Clarence to come fish us out, all 806 passer-bys took a moment to treat us as their newest spectacle. I couldn't help but laugh, even though I know i probably shouldn't have. I mean, jeez! We were in the ditch. Opps, there I go laughing again. Guess that was God's way of making sure we stick to a healthier diet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

806 people!? Wow... so much for the friendly country. Glad you, Curt and the car are okay! What would we all do without the roadtrip car? haha.