Saturday, January 27, 2007

One Order of Straight Caffine by IV, Please

My body hates me right now, but it was worth ever minute of it! Needless to say, my 24 hour holiday was more than worth it.
We went to the Delta Inn at Kananaskis Lodge, which is expensive but incredibly beautiful. The room I shared with Bailey was huge, it has an indoor/outdoor hot tub, which we used of course, a games room, fitness lounge, drink lounge, yummy restaurant...everything to make our one-night stay blissfull. The view from our room was spectacular too, even though it over looked the entrance. We were insanely well fed, some well slept, and all relaxed. So much fun!
Then we went to Nakiska. In retrospect, I think the hot tub would have been better following the snowboarding, but hey, what can you do? Anyway, of course the snowboarding was amazing. I mean, before I left, I left a bunch of little papers with "I'm going snowboarding!!!!!!!!!" all over my house. My poor roommates. Because of my "skill" level, I'm finding myself rather sore this morning. Not so much from falling though (I only fell twice, really hard, because I was flying down on my last run and psyched myself out!) but from getting up and down all the time. I actually was wanted for instruction (one of the guys who went with us wanted to learn the ways of the snowboard, and for some reason, the people I was with thought I could teach him something), and, before giving up, Cory was able to get up and go down a hill. Unfortunatly, he did many loop-di-loops and figure eights in the process. He didn't get hurt though! But, as it was for me, getting up is the hardest part. My arms can even make it to 90 degrees today, my left leg is very much so unhappy, my right hip kept me awake last night, and my tushie is hurting again because of an injury I took last year. Seriously, the one fall I had, I smoked me knee on the lovely ice that Nakiska has on their slopes, and whacked my tush, all in one attempt to keep my self from going into the trees. Awesome. But this year, I went all the way to the top of the moutain and came down; the easy way mind you, but the trail is narrower and steeper than the other ones I've been on.
So yeah, last night, sleep just would not come. At about 11pm I gave up, got in the shower, and by 12:30 or 1 I was on my way to Three Hills with Dave and Curt, who were also still up. We went on a "Chicken Run" to the Macs, but only got junk food. The clerk there was so nice. He was from Pakistan, spoke English, and was so tired. He told me that he was taught to drink warm milk to stay awake over in Pakistan. Poor guy. I told him that calcium actually helps aid the sleeping process. When we left, he was drinking orange juice. We got home sometime close to 2:30am, and I found myself at the coffe shop at 7:20am.
Today, I work a nine hour shift, then will likely go home and pass out. Tomorrow morning, the usual crew and I are heading out to Banff for the day. Oh! I almost forgot. Vancouver is just now finally getting around to reviewing my application. I only sent them my application two or three months ago, and my transcripts 7 weeks ago. Oh well, I can't be bothered; I'm just so excited!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Again With the Waiting

It is Tuesday morning of what could quite possibly be one of the best weeks of my life. Or at least that's what I'm saying, anyway. I had the privilage of talking to one of my neighbours the other day, dear Ms. Falk, and she so wisely said that it is pessimism that makes life so difficult. Not that I'm depressed or unhappy about anything really; I am just looking at this week as awesome!
Actually, I have good reason to be so chipper. Mainly because my boss is back! I got to sleep in yesterday. All the way to 7:30. Also, I get to go snowboarding and stay at a hotel near the hill on Thursday-Friday, then come home and head out to Banff (we're going this weekend instead and taking David with us), and I think I've figured out what I'm going to do with my jobs. This week, and hopefully this week alone, I am working four. Fortunatly the coffee shop gives me more of a social life than I can handle already.
Still no definate news from Ontario or BC. Vancouver is back dated and my file should be reviewed again this week (I called yesterday because I hadn't heard from them in six weeks), and I have passed first wave admission down east, but failed to meet their requirements for early admisson because my transcript got there too late. What a bummer! Either way though, I have decided that I definatly want to fly down to Toronto to visit my family before school starts. I don't really know where my life is taking me at this point, and I certainly don't know when I will be able to make it down there to catch up with them again.
This whole waiting on colleges thing has really been trying my patience. I heard back from the one that was the wasy way out first, the one I used to want second, my second favorite third, and my number one has yet to get back to me because they are so back logged. I find this...ironic? I have a feeling God is trying to teach me something here; normally I'm spoiled with this sort of thing because I am fairly smart, charasmatic and so determined that I usually get everything I want within my time frame. This is now out of my control and I'll admitt, it drives me crazy some days. I think the keyword here is: Faith. I know a lot of people are praying for me, but perhaps I should be praying more. Now don't get me wrong; I usually shoot up a little prayer here and there throughout the day, but maybe some more serious meditation is in order. I just don't know.
I was reading the newspaper this morning and saw this picture on the front page of the Money section. It bothered me. It showed a gas pump in Florida that is selling "Terror- Free Oil." It has one side of the pump devoted to oil from U.S. Frienldies and the other to Non-Friendlies. The caption underneath reads: " 'Fill 'er up with some high octane, low-terror, please.' A group based in Florida plans to open gas stations selling fuel made from oil that doesn't benefit states that support terroism." Seriously, if you can get your hands on a Calgary Sun, take a look at the Money section. It's right there on the front. I would love to hear thoughts.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

So, I have come to learn that it is entirely possible to be drunk even after consuming not one ounce of alcohol. This has been happening frequently recently, just ask Laura, and I'm entirely feeling the effects of something this morning. Not to mention, I have had a killer headache almost everyday this week.
Tomorrow is my last day as "boss" at the coffee shop, and you know what? Throughout everything, I've had a bunch of fun. But don't get me wrong: I am looking forward to sleeping in on Monday morning!
This whole week, the 11 hour days have been split between me and Laura; I've worked the 6-7 and a half hour shifts all week and I am tired. It's not a long time to be working here, but with multiplying cleaning jobs on top of that, some days have been as long as 13-14 hours. My feet are rather upset with me, and I need John to pop a few vertarbrae back in when he gets back.
See, I'm not sure if I've said this before, but my dear Zaira got her first bad experience of Canadian winters by slipping on the ice and rather seriously spraining her ankle. She has been out for a week now. Thank goodness Laura and I have each other, but we are wearing ourselves pretty thin making up for all the work that still needs to be done. In fact, we're taking off to Banff on Sunday just for a nice breather; a time to spend with our neglected friends and simply NOT WORK. I know this pretty makes me sound like a wuss, but weekends essentially don't exist for Laura or myself. We both work 7 days a week somewhere or other, and only because of recent developments are we both able to take a whole day off (Sunday), once a week. I must admitt, it is pretty dang fabulous.
I start working at Cousins next week. I'm actually going to be cooking their food, rather than washing their dishes. I'm very excited. I love the ladies there. So, unitl the end of the month, I am going to have four jobs. Four! I'm crazy. Starting next month however, I am having to drop either Jo-Al's or cleaning the Cousins, and it is up to me to decided. You'd think it would be easy! But heck, there are just as many pros for one job as the other, and the same is true with the cons. As I see it at this moment though, Cousins is going to be dropped. It's a really tough decision though; I seriously love both.
Yesterday I had a neew experience. A guy gave me his phone number. It was so...bizarre? I didn't ask for it, knowingly anyhow, nor did I particularly want it. So strange. Flattering, but strange. And this guy, though really nice, and polite and a genuine good guy, has to be close to ten years older than me. I think he doesn't know how old I am though, which might have persuaded him against being interested in me. Anyway, after he left, I was just so dumbfounded; I felt like a deer in headlights, so I ended up on the phone with my dear Jess, who offered me some good advice on how to turn him down. I have turned down guys in the past (guy, really) ,and he was my friend. Keyword: was. Since I turned him down, (and I feel like it was done poorly on my behalf), we haven't really talked and he pretty much avoided me for the remainder of Grade 12. I never see him now, and he still lives up the hill from my folks. Anyway, it was just the most extreme case of a guy showing serious interest in me that I have experienced at the shop, and it was just kind of weird.
Anyway, got to go. I'll write more later.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day Four

So, the boss has been gone for four days now, I think. So far, I'm still slive. I'm proud of myself in that I have been able to solve almost every issue that has come along so far.
Day one found me struggling to find a way to fix our printer and a broken internet connection. Day two gave me the same two issues and a dead mouse, as well as some financial miscounts. But, by the afternoon, everything had resolved itself. Day three dealt me out a broken lock, which I can only pray has been lubed up, as I had requested.
I had today off, which was nice. The day was far too short, however, and I'm not really wanting to go back tomorrow. I'm starting to feel a little bit stressed; okay, rather stressed. I want everything to be good and accounted for and for the boss to be impressed with our work upon her return. Hopefully, things keep working out.

Friday, January 05, 2007

My First MasterCard

So, not too much has been happening recently. I started working my third job, and am now going to be starting a fourth in a couple of weeks, I hope.
Oh! I feel so grown-up. I got my first credit card! I'm terrified of it, but I have one. I even used it this week to buy something for my brother. It's pretty exciting.
My "sister" April came to town for a visit yesterday. I was so happy to see her and meet her new beau, and even catch up with her Dad. I haven't really seen her since September, which is a long time for us. We've been having some minor troubles keeping in touch, but are constantly blessed whenever the communiques come along. She only lives and hour away, in the city I frequent, but for some reason we never get the oppertunity or think to get together. Unfortunate, I know.
So, for two weeks now, I am responsible for the coffee shop. I'm not too worried about it or anything; I normally have a lot of responsibilities there anyhow, but now, everything is on my shoulders. I am actually excited about it. I'm wanting to see how good of a leader I can actually be. I mean, I have taken care of the shop on my own before, but only for a couple days. Not two weeks! So everyone, come buy lots of coffee so Wendy can be pleasently suprised when she comes back!
Tomorrow night I'm going to this comedy thing in Calgary with some guys; it is Ron White a.k.a. Redneck comedy. I love it! I'm so excited. I miss hanging out with guys. It used to be that I spent more of my time with guys than girls, but things quickly changed when school ended and i feel somewhat deprived. Besides, I'm going with two of the funniest guys I know; how good could it possibly get?
I'm so excited! I get to play bass again at church on Sunday! I love playing for worship. The team is always uplifting and the songs just seem more powerful when I to play along with them. God ministers more to me through chords and beats rather than words. That's weird to say, because I write. A lot. I'm not ver musical; I'm still pretty novice. I'm gifted with the laguage skills more than anything. But still, that's the way it is.
Well, now that I am all dolled up, I think it is about time to go to the Cousins for supper. Here's me wishing you a very merry January 5th, 2007!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Feliz Navidad y Prosperos Ano Felizidad!

Happy New Year and a very belated Merry Christmas to you all! The past week has been both very busy and extremely lazy. I have officially celebrated my first Christmas away from home! How I feel all growed up.
I actually celebrated Christmas about five times this year. I ate an unbelievable amount of food, and suprisingly only gained two pounds, which I have already lost. Pretty great, I know. I must have been starving or something.
Santa was good to me, so to speak. But you know, I'm just not really into Christmas presents or anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I love recieving gifts, but I just don't see why it is required that we all give gifts on the same day, once a year. I like to suprise people with presents when I can; the smiles are way bigger that way. Anyway, I was able to spoil my family for one, and I loved it. Just ask anyone who had to spend Christmas Eve with me. I was astonished: I actually made my mom happy. That totally never happens.
I celebrated with my roomies first, then my folks, the Thiessens, the Penners, and the Dicks over the course of four days. The days went by freakishly fast, and then they were suddenly done. I'm sad; I had a blast!
By the time the 28th came around, I was exhausted and wanted only to loaf around my house. So, Laura and I decided to have a "girlie" day. This means sitting around, dressed to the nines and watching chick flicks. It was awesome. We quite litterally accomplished nothing all day.
By the time Friday came around I thought I should probably do something constructive, so I worked four four or five hours cleaning, then went to Three Hills with Laura and spent the night watching scary movies. I think it is safe to say that going back to work early tomorrow morning is going to be quite jarring to my current laziness routine. Oh well.
For New Year's we had a couple of people we hold dear over and played lots of Dutch Blitz and XBox. Awesome! I love John and Julie! Julie and I were a team and totally beat everyone at Burnout. Take that Curt and Dave and John! Julie and I don't even play video games usually! Bah! I'm so happy.
I didn't make any resolutions this year, not that I ever really have set any in the past either. I'm just excited to see what this year brings! 2006 was insanely eventful and filled with tribulations and moments that I know I'll be thinking about a hundred years from now, in good ways. God really blessed me (I finally said it! It took me 6 months, but I'm getting there. Wherever "there" is). I'm just twitching to see where I'll be a year from now. Everything is chaning drastically; everything is going to be completely different. It's like a really good roller coaster or something. It scares the poopies out of me, but I just have to keep going on it because it is so fun/scary. I'm smiling right now, just so you can imagine me saying that.