Thursday, December 07, 2006

14 Days 'til Summer's a Comin'!

After ten day of absense, I still have basically nothing to write. I've been busy preparing for Christmas, both personally and at the Coffee Shop. It seems like there is just so much extra stuff I have to accomplish on my shift now; I'm in a constant frenzy split between cleaning, baking, making drinks, posters, updating spreadsheets, placing and extra-bulk unpacking orders, helping my sweet boss with this and that...phew. My shoes are quite broken in. By the way, if you're around town, stop in at Global Grounds for our "Krazy Kandy Kabobs." They're pretty cool; they consist of gummies on a skewer. Mmmmm. Gummies.
Anyway, my shopping is almost all done. I decided this year that after neglecting my family for 18 years, I was going to get them some pretty sweet gifts. I know they'll love them.And I got my roomies some cool presents too, and Virginia one as well, and that is it. I figured I would just get a few people some good presents--it was cheaper that way.
College front is loking pretty good. I haven't got any definate responses yet, but that's my fault. Laura and I are looking at possibly hopping on a plane and going to Toronto for a couple of days toscope out the campus at U of T, maybe sit in on a few classes; it's cool because if I go there, I'll possibly get to connect with my extended family. I've known of them my whole life, but only actually seen them twice or three times. If we make it down we'll be spending our time with my Aunt and Uncle in Missassaga (or however it's spelled), which I'm actually really looking forward to.
Financial concerns have been seriously bothering me recently. It seems every time I'm getting money saved up, not shopping or spending it on anything, my bills go up exponentially and it all goes away anyway. It is making me so angry. I've considered moving back home so things are easier and more productive on the savings end, but the rift mom and I have makes things harder on everyone when I'm around. I'm at a loss. I have decided I need to live on campus when I do go. I wanted to inthe first place, but then plans were changing and a friend was wanting to move with me and such, but the more I look at it, I need to make more new friends and live on a campus where there is no rent, meal plans, and no freaking bills. That way, with my part time job that I will have to get, I will actualyl be able to afford living, you know, food and possibly paying down the exponential student loans I'm going to need. Besides, I know U of T requires 1st years to live on campus, and I think UBC might have the same requirement.
I have really come to realize that the world does it's best to discourage a person. I've seen it succeed in some people I care about deeply, and thus refuse to let it win with me. I know that this is what I am supposed to do. God didn't make me into a missionary, pastor, Sunday school teacher--those good Holy things, nor did he make me a scientist (well, not really) or a mathamatician. I am a writter. I love language, learning and teaching it. It comes fairly easily to me, and I have been told I am an excellent teacher of it. I love cultures. I don't feel like I need to go to Bible school, get a business degree or be a nurse. Teahcing people how to communicate with each other and how interesting every little corner of the world is, is something that I'm passionate about. The blank stares that I get when I tell people what I want to do tell me that people just don't get that.
Anyone want to have a classic Christmas movie-athon with me? I love Christmas movies! "It's Wonderful Life" is the best, or tied with the stop-motion "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

1 comment:

Paula said...

"God didn't make me into a missionary, pastor, Sunday school teacher--those good Holy things, nor did he make me a scientist (well, not really) or a mathematician. I am a writer"

You know that statement is flawed, right? You know that there is nothing holier about preaching than being a mathematician, right? That it is just as sacred to be a janitor as a fact, a janitor who does his job with his whole heart is far more holy than a missionary who is self-centered and mean to the people he serves.

Just checking to make sure you knew that. Because being a writer is a very sacred occupation. Telling stories filled with truth and grace is how Jesus spent a lot of his time, and it is a worthy thing for you to strive to do.
