Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What is the Rush?

Linden is a good place. It is safe, the people are more or less polite and nice, the food is yummy and against all diets, it's quiet; yet itis driving me insane.
Sadly, there is a mentality among the Holdemens and even several of the 'secular' girls around here that if you aren't married by the time you're 25, you are so screwed. I hate that. I know this woman: she is beautiful in every way, hilarious, an awesome cook--she has so much going for her, and yet she feels somewhat worthless because she isn't married off yet and over the age of 25.
Now, I am totally not against the whole marriage thing in the slightest. But, it does worry me when I see women, who are not that much older than me, freaking out be cause they are single or dating and not married yet. What is the rush? Even at 30, 40, 60, you're still young! I think you only really become 'old' when you think of yourself as 'old.'
The guys in the Bible lived to be 400+ years old. Now that, is old. Not mid-twenties.
Zaira was telling me about life in Mexico. Apparently, this frame of mind is carried on down there too, only, to a more severe degree. She has a friend who was married at 17. 17! I'm thinking back to what I was like a year and a bit ago, and believe me, there was no way I would want to get married. Not even now. I'm far too young and there is so much I need to experience on my own yet. Zaira is the same age as me and she has 3 friends, who are also the same age, who are married. Schnikee's. She told me that in Mexico, where she is from, if you are not married by 23, your chances of ever getting married are quickly diminishing and you really should start to worry. Sadly, it is thought that a woman can't really survive without a husband down there; that woman aren't as strong; they are passed over for jobs that they have all the qualifications for. Zaira tells me every day that she loves it here. She has so much more freedom here. It has really helped me to see just how blessed I really am.

Besides that, check this out. But only if you are having a stressful day. Trust me, it helps.


Spoke said...

I suppose, culturally, it's up to different reasons. If you are meant (as a woman) to be a baby-making-machine, well, you best get breeding by the time your 17...that way, after 6 or 8 kids, you're still young enough to deal with them cause you married a man that can't/won't even change a diaper or brush "her" hair 'cause that's girl stuff. Oh yea, when he wants a bit of "fun", you still look good enough to please him.
Bastards think like that!
Sorry for the passion, but you poked a nerve of mine! I love my wife, but if she chose not to marry, what of it? Women are complete in Christ married or not.
This area, like much of the under-developed/under-educated world, focuses on MAN'S wants...not HUMAN'S wants.

Anonymous said...

Yep... For a lot of people (around here too), the woman's half marriage is for baby and pie making. As long as the woman agrees with that, marrying young, and being a little freaked when you're not married by 25, makes sense.
If you're not into baby and pie making, that sounds crazy.

Spoke said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm, pie...
That makes a guy rethink his comments....

Becca said...

I make a mean apple pie and love the tots, but don't honestly find myself anywhere near ready to make the comittment of marriage. Or settle down with any thing for a long time right now. There is so much out there in the world that I can do; so much to see; allthe doors are open! Except for the doors which require math to open. Those doors I vow to run from. I see this and just hate that it is being filtered into women's heads, even now, that we were born to be housewives and only housewives. That is so archaic! For instance, what if a Holdemen woman around here wants to become a lawyer, wants to got to Art school, go into international business, be an ambassador, a surgeon, a linguist,or bio-chemist: these are the skills or talents God may have gifted her with and she seemingly can do nothing with them! To achive this, she would literally have to leave her church as well as her family to pursue such a dream because it is not what her faith has set out for her to do; I can not even imagine how hard it would be to do such a thing. Talk about discouraging from the get-go. She has been taught that she can either be a housewife, nurse, or a teacher at on of their schools. There is nothing wrong with that at all, but if she wanted to do something else with her life, she has to literally leave everything behind.
Why is it that woman often seem to have to counter so much more adversity than men in order to achive their dreams? Even in 2006, can woman not be seen as complete equals to men?
I am not all about woman's lib here, but I do think it is wrong to lay out a path for them, especially without their peronsal goals in mind. And I do see that it is the same way for men around here too. I know that some men have to take over the farm just because. Just because! Stupid.

Spoke said...

So challenge them Bec. Offer to support them.

October 18 1929, women are finally declared "persons" under Canadian law. The historic legal victory is due to the persistence of five Alberta women — Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards.

Thank Jesus for these women! Look at that date again, do the math!
I LOVE your passion!

Spoke said...