Monday, November 27, 2006

Playing the Waiting Game

Good news! I am starting to hear back from some of the universities I've applied to! I'm so excited! I just got a letter back from UCFV syaing that I have met all their requirements and passed their first wave admittence! I'm psyched. I also finally got my application papers for the University of Toronto. I know, I know. That one is far far away from home and in the complete opposite direction of the Pacific, but who knows? My Dad went there, all my family is down east; Victoria College on U of T campus has an excellent and rigerous Arts program, like UBC, and both can give me a great education. However, I feel like I have to read through a novel to fill out the OUAC application form. Seriously, it is about 85 pages of bilingual nonsense. I think it was written by lawyers.
I was starting to get a little nervous about not hearing from any schools. I will not know exactly where I'm going until probably May or June, but maybe as early as the end of Feburary. I've been struggling with the whole waiting thing. I'm a rather active person and my heart feels somewhat nomadic. I like to move around, make new friends, see new places, be faced with challenge; I need to feel like I'm learning something. Right now though, I honestly feel like I'm in a rut. I work all day every day, make no money, see the same people every day, say the same things every day, hear the same music--I can not stand it! I hate waiting for something greater to come along, but I know it has to be coming.
Don't get me wrong or anything. I care about the people in my life, I really do. My family means more to me now that I'm out of the house and my some of my friends me more to me now that I never see them. But to be honest, I haven't really found home. Several of my friend's families have "adopted" me (though I didn't really know I was up for adoption), but even they just don't feel like home. I just don't feel that attached to anyone or anything right now that would keep me in one place. I am nomadic. I am only where my feet are. That is what I consider to be my own. I really think that leaving everything I know behind will be a good thing for me; it might make me value what I have, and what I had, more. It might help me feel more connected to people.
Anyway, that was one big long rant.
Today was a bitter day of blizzarding snow and -37 wind chills. I'm sittin here at work with gloves on and a door that is partially frozen shut. There are four foot drifts on our deck and in my back yard, and sadly it it too cold to take my board out tonight. Feels like winter though. Fa-la-la-la-laa!


Anonymous said...

Yay! A response! I hope the others show up... and soon. I'm going crazy waiting too.

Spoke said...

Life, you exhist,wait and die...then the fun starts!