Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boone was a Hottie

The past couple of days have been...interesting to say the least.
Nothing to vital or amazing has happened; just feeling a lot of growing pains is all.
Saturday morning came all too soon. I was completly unprepared for the Fall Fair; "Yo Beck!" had about half as merchandise as I had wanted to have prepared, but we did alright anyway. But hey, I woke up and did something I haven't done in quite some time: I prayed. That was cool. I think I'm starting to mature.
But anyway, Fall Fair went well. Mom stopped by the table and raised a big stink about my hair and it's low lights. "She's ruined a perfectly good set of hair," she said, "Everyone knows her by her hair. Everyone has always commented on how beautiful her hair is. Or was." This was while I was help one of my friend's Grandma's buy some coffee. Grandma was so sweet; she leaned in and said, "You're beautiful." Thanks Gran! Oh well, I like my hair anyway.
Besides that, not too terribly much has happened. Still working on fighting bouts of some serious lonliness, but I think life is really starting to suck less and less. Most of the time anyway. Having set goals for myself and such have really helped me stay distracted.
Today I have spent about 6 hours watching "Lost" season 1 with Curt and Megan. Such an awesome show.


Anonymous said...

1. Your mom is wrong, your hair is still beautiful, and still red, so I don't see what her problem is.
2. Grandma (who's grandma anyway?) is totally right.
I'm glad life is sucking less and less for you. Take care

Paula said...

What is it with moms and hair?


Jessica said...

Rebecca. You will be beautiful no matter what you do with your hair, or your clothes, or your whatever else. You are beautiful!
Also, I'm praying for you dear. love you lots.

Spoke said...

Tell dear ol' mum to look INSIDE. What if you shaved your mellon? Outer beauty is fleeting, show beauty/love through your attitude, that's the stuff that counts!

I heard Lost sux ????

Becca said...

Grandma is Myrna.

Anonymous said...

I knew it. I love her.